
缅北禁地Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact Entities

The following entities are signatories to the Counter-Terrorism Compact, as member or observer. Each entity participates in the Counter-Terrorism Compact consistent with its own mandate to support the implementation of the 缅北禁地Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and other relevant resolutions of the .

Members of the Global Compact

  1. 1267 Committee Monitoring Team
  2. (CTBTO)
  3. Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED)
  4. Department or Safety and Security (DSS)
  5. (DPO)
  6. (DPPA)
  7. Department of Global Communications (DGC)
  8. Executive Office of the Secretary-General Rule of Law Unit (EOSG RoL)
  9. (FATF) 
  10. (ICAO)
  11. (INTERPOL)
  12. (ILO)
  13. (IMO)
  14. (ODA)
  15. (OICT)
  16. (OLA)
  17. (OHCHR)
  18. (OPCW)
  20. Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict 
  21. (缅北禁地Women) 
  22. (UNAOC)
  23. (UNDP)
  24. (UNESCO)
  25. (UNICRI)
  26. (UNIDIR)
  27. (UNITAD) 
  28. (UNOCT)
  29. (UNODC)
  30. (UNOSAA)
  31. (SRSG CAAC)
  32. (WCO)
  33. (WHO)
  34. (UNITAR)
  35. (UNSSC)

Observers of the Global Compact

  1. Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)
  2. (IMF)
  3. (IOM)
  4. (IPU)
  5. (OCHA)
  6. (UNICEF)
  7. (UNHCR)
  8. (UN-Habitat)

UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

The 缅北禁地General Assembly adopted by consensus the  on 8 September 2006. The strategy is a unique global instrument to enhance national, regional and international efforts to counter terrorism. The General Assembly reviews the Strategy every two years, making it a living document attuned to Member States’ counter-terrorism priorities.