




Contains fixed field data elements.

Because the United Nations Documents Series Symbol Record is a unique, locally created type of authority record, most of the categories of data elements contained in tag 008 are not applicable.

Positions 00-09
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Position 00-05
Date of record creation.
Computer generated in the pattern «Y³Û²Ñ²Ñ¶Ù¶Ù»


Position 06:
Direct or indirect geographic subheading.
Indicates whether the 1XX heading may be subdivided geographically when used as a subject heading and, if so, the method of subdivision used. In UNBIS, the value is «n» (=Not applicable).

Position 07:
Romanization scheme.
Indicates whether the 1XX contains the romanized form of the headings. In UNBIS, the value is «n» (=Not applicable).

Position 09:
Kind of record.
Indicates whether the record represents an established or unestablished record. In UNBIS, the value is «a» (=Established heading).

Positions 10-13
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Position 10:
Descriptive cataloguing rules.
Identifies the descriptive cataloguing rules used to formulate the 1XX name or title heading in established heading records. In UNBIS the value is «n» (=Not applicable).

Position 11:
Subject heading rules.
Identifies the subject heading system/thesaurus building conventions used to formulate the 1XX heading in established heading, reference, subdivision, or node label records. In UNBIS the value is «n» (=Not applicable).

Position 12:
Type of series.
Indicates the type of series heading contained in the 1XX field in an established heading record. In UNBIS the value is «z» (=Other).

Position 13:
Series numbers (numbered or unnumbered series).
Indicates the numbering characteristics of the series (or series-like phrase) represented by the 1XX heading. In UNBIS the value is «b» (=Unnumbered series).

Positions 14-17
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Position 14:
Heading use-main or added entry.
Indicates whether the heading is appropriate for use as a main or added entry in bibliographic records. In UNBIS the value is «b» (=Heading is not appropriate for use as a main or added entry).

Position 15:
Heading use-subject added entry.
Indicates whether the 1XX heading is appropriate for use as a subject added entry in bibliographic records. In UNBIS the value is «b». (=Heading is not appropriate for use as a subject added entry).

Position 16:
Series added entry.
Indicates whether the heading is appropriate for use as a series added entry in bibliographic records. In UNBIS the value is «a» (=Heading is appropriate for use as a series added entry). Local practice. Tag 190 is defined as part of the Series treatment fields.

Position 17:
Type of subject subdivision.
Indicates the type of subject subdivision heading contained in the 1XX field of a subdivision record, an established heading and subdivision record, or a reference and subdivision record. In UNBIS the value is «n» (= Not applicable).

Positions 28-32
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Position 28:
Type of government agency.
Indicates whether the heading represents a government agency and, if so, the jurisdictional level of agency. This applies only to 110 or 111 headings. For Series Symbol records, the value is a blank space «_» (=Not a government agency).

Position 29:
Reference evaluation.
Indicates whether the 4XX/5XX tracing fields in a record have been evaluated for consistency with the rules used to formulate the 1XX headings in the record. In UNBIS, the value is «n» (=Not applicable).

Position 31:
Record status.
Indicates whether a record update is in progress. In UNBIS, the value is «a» (=Record can be used).

Position 32:
Personal name.
Indicates whether a personal name heading is used by one person or by two or more persons. In UNBIS, the value is «n» (=Not applicable).

Positions 33-39
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Position 33:
Level of establishment.
Indicates the extent to which the heading conforms to the descriptive cataloguing rules or thesaurus conventions employed by the cataloguing agency. In UNBIS, the value is «a» (=Fully established heading).

Position 38:
Modified record.
Indicates whether the record is modified from its intended content. In UNBIS, the value is a blank space «_» (=Not modified).

Position 39:
Cataloguing source.
Indicates the creator of an authority record. In UNBIS, the value is «d» (=Other).

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Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may
be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© United Nations 2004-2009. All rights reserved

Last updated: 15 June 2009