J. Resolutions/decisions and draft
resolutions/decisions of Ãå±±½ûµØbodies
Subject terms and corporate name headings
Compilations of resolutions/decisions
Single resolutions/decisions transmitted in documents
Resolutions/decisions in annual or sessional reports
Sponsors of draft resolutions/decisions
Analytic records for resolutions and decisions: document symbols
Subject terms and corporate name headings
Make entries for the main subject(s) of the resolution/decision as a whole; and for the subject(s) of each
significant action requested or statement of position of the organ. In
most cases, only the operative paragraphs are analyzed and routine
requests should not be picked up (e.g. INTER-AGENCY COOPERATION, RESOURCES
ALLOCATION, etc.). If the term REPORT
PREPARATION is used as routine request, it should not be picked up (e.g., “Requests the
Secretary-General to report…”).
Assign primary topical subject terms (tag 650
first indicator 1) for the
resolution/decision as a whole, bearing in mind the indexing
policy guidelines for geographic linkage.
Assign secondary terms (tag 650
first indicator 2) for the main subject(s) of operative paragraphs below the level of the
resolution/decision as a whole.
In assigning secondary terms, it is helpful to follow the order of
paragraphs in which the subjects appear, so that users can more easily
locate the occurrence of a particular subject in the resolution.
Assign the corporate name heading (tag 710) for the body that adopted the resolution or decision, including its sessional and year qualifiers.
1: Security Council resolution 1723 (2006) [on extension of the mandate
of the Multinational Force in Iraq] (S/RES/1723(2006))
089 $b B01
610 2 7 $a Multinational
Force in Iraq
610 2 7 $a Development
Fund for Iraq
610 2 7 $a Development
Fund for Iraq. International Advisory and Monitoring Board
650 1 7 $a INTERNAL
650 1 7 $a PETROLEUM
650 1 7 $a IRAQ
650 1 7 $a IRAQ
650 2 7 $a FUNDS
650 2 7 $a PERIODIC
650 2 7 $a UNITED
710 2 _ $a UN. Security Council (61st year : 2006)
Example 2: Decision entitled
“Evaluation of the regional cooperation framework for the Arab States,
2002-2005” (DP/DEC/2005/35)
089 $b B01
610 2 7 $a UNDP
$g Programme
650 1 7 $a REGIONAL
650 1 7 $a DEVELOPMENT
650 1 7 $a ARAB
650 1 7 $a PROGRAMME
650 2 7 $a PROJECT
710 2 _ $a UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board (2005, 2nd sess. : New York)
Bear in mind that resolutions adopted
by non-Ãå±±½ûµØbodies are assigned Content Code A08,
not B01.
If the main subject of a resolution/decision is a named working group,
group of experts, trust fund, special rapporteur, declaration, treaty,
set of guidelines, international year, etc., assign a primary subject
etc.) in addition to the main topical subject term(s) and assign the
appropriate corporate, conference or title subject heading (tag 610, 611 or 630).
089 $b B01
191 $a E/RES/2001/45
245 1 0 $a Restructuring and revitalization of the Group of Experts on the United Nations Programme in Public Administration and Finance
610 2 7 $a UN. Group of Experts on Public Administration and Finance
610 2 7 $a UN. Economic and Social Council. Committee of Experts on Public Administration
When selecting subject terms for
resolutions and decisions, indexers should be alert for the following:
a) New Ãå±±½ûµØgroups, conferences, experts,
funds, etc., mandated or established by resolutions/decisions
Subject terms are assigned for the main
topic(s) in the mandate, as well as a subject term for the type of
If a name authority record already exists
for the entity, but with the qualifier (Proposed)
or in variant wording, the authority record should be updated
accordingly, or a new authority record should be created if none exists.
A corporate or conference subject heading
is added (tag 610 or 611) with the
coordinating term Establishment in
subfield $g.
If terms of reference are included, a corporate or conference name
subject heading is added with the coordinating term Terms of reference in subfield $g.
Resolutions/decisions containing terms of
reference are assigned Content Code B10 in addition
to code B01.
b) New concepts in thematic resolutions/decisions
resolutions and decisions on specific thematic topics are very similar
from year to year, and existing UNBIS Thesaurus terms are adequate.
However, indexers should be alert for new themes of study or new areas
of concern that may require proposing new UNBIS Thesaurus terms.
Resolution mandating a new study on a specific concept for which no
UNBIS Thesaurus term existed; a new Thesaurus term RIGHT TO THE TRUTH
was proposed and subsequently adopted
191 $a E/CN.4/RES/2005/66
245 1 0 $a Right to
the truth
650 1 7 $a RIGHT TO
c) Groups, bodies, funds, etc., that are abolished by
A corporate or conference subject heading
is added (tag 610 or 611) with the
coordinating term Dissolution in subfield $g.
d) Declarations, treaties, guidelines and other instruments that are
adopted by resolutions or decisions
Subject terms are assigned for the main
topic(s) of the instrument, as well as a subject term for the type of
If a name authority record already exists
for the instrument, but with the qualifier (Proposed)
or (Draft)
or in variant wording, the authority record should be updated
accordingly, or a new authority record should be created if none exists.
containing text of an adopted instrument are assigned the appropriate
Content Code for the type of instrument (A08, A19,
A20) in addition to code B01.
The authorized title of the instrument is assigned in tags 630
and 730.
Resolutions/decisions containing text of
adopted declarations or treaties are assigned the subject terms DECLARATIONS (TEXT) or TREATIES
e) Changes from text of the draft resolutions and decisions
the indexer assigns the same subject terms to an adopted resolution
that were assigned to the draft resolution, except for the coordinating
terms Establishment and Dissolution
which are assigned only to adopted resolutions/decisions, and except
for name authority-controlled corporate, conference or title subjects
that existed as proposed or draft versions when the draft resolution
was indexed.
Usually when changes are
made to the text of draft resolutions, the draft resolutions are issued
as revised documents, and indexers will adjust subject terms
accordingly, depending on the changes made. Exceptionally, draft
resolutions are not issued as revised documents when there are changes
to text; amendments may be adopted verbally in meetings. Therefore
indexers should check carefully the text of adopted Resolutions, and not automatically assign the same subjects that
were assigned to draft resolutions.
f) Voting action, vote notes and related documents
Bear in mind that an Action/Vote Date (tag 992),
Related Documents (tag 993) and Vote Note (tag 996)
should be assigned to each record for an adopted resolution or
decision, and that a reciprocal Related Documents tag 993
should be added to the record for the corresponding draft resolution or
Refer to the UNBIS Reference
Manual for Bibliographic Description for guidelines on tags 992,
993 and 996.
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Compilations of resolutions/decisions
If the document is a compilation
of adopted Ãå±±½ûµØresolutions/decisions that are indexed as individual analytic records, instead of assigning the Content
code B01 (Ãå±±½ûµØResolutions and decisions), assign the
Content code B19 (Miscellaneous) or another code or codes, if applicable, and add a 610
or 611 corporate or conference subject with the name
of the adopting body or conference in subfield $a and
the modifying term Resolutions and decisions
in subfield $g. Assign the name entry for the body or
conference in tag 710 or 711.
Do not assign subject terms for the resolutions and decisions in the
compilation if they are indexed as individual analytic records.
Individual analytic records should be created for all numbered
resolutions, decisions and agreed conclusions contained in sessional
reports of Ãå±±½ûµØbodies, if they are not issued as individual documents.
Document entitled “Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General
Assembly during its 60th session. Volume 1, Resolutions, 13
September–23 December 2005)” (A/60/49(Vol.I)) ; the individual resolutions have been indexed as separate analytic records.
089 $b B19
610 2 7 $a UN.
General Assembly (60th sess. : 2005-2006) $g Resolutions and decisions
710 2 _ $a UN.
General Assembly (60th sess. : 2005-2006)
If the document is a compilation of adopted Ãå±±½ûµØresolutions/decisions that are not indexed as individual analytic records, assign the Content Code B01 (Ãå±±½ûµØresolutions and decisions) and any other applicable codes, and add a 610 or 611 corporate or conference subject with the name of the adopting body or conference in subfield $a and the modifying term Resolutions and decisions in subfield $g. Assign the name entry for the body or conference in tag 710 or 711.
In addition to primary subject terms for the overall main subject(s),
assign secondary subject terms to cover the main topics of the
resolutions and decisions in the compilation.
Publication entitled "Compilation of the decisions adopted by the
Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent
Organic Pollutants at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd meetings" ; the individual
decisions are not indexed as separate analytic records.
089 $b B01
089 $b A08
089 $b B10
611 2 7 $a Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (1st : 2005 : Punta del Este, Uruguay) $g Resolutions and decisions
611 2 7 $a Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (2nd : 2006 : Geneva) $g Resolutions and decisions
611 2 7 $a Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (3rd : 2007 : Dakar) $g Resolutions and decisions
711 2 _ $a Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (1st : 2005 : Punta del Este, Uruguay)
711 2 _ $a Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (2nd : 2006 : Geneva)
711 2 _ $a Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (3rd : 2007 : Dakar)
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Single resolutions/decisions transmitted in documents
If a document transmits the full text of a single adopted resolution or
that has been indexed separately as a resolution/decision with the
Content Code B01,
and the document chiefly consists of the resolution or decision, add a 610
or 611 corporate or
conference subject with the name of the adopting body or conference in
subfield $a and the modifying term Resolutions
and decisions
in subfield $g.
Assign primary subject terms for
the main topic of the resolution or decision. Assign the name entry for
the body or conference in tag 710
or 711. Do
not assign Content Code B01.
089 $b B19
245 $a Fifteenth anniversary of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights :
$b note / $c by the Secretary-General
$a Transmits General
Assembly resolution
1775(XVII) adopted on 7 Dec. 1962.
610 2 7 $a UN. General
Assembly (17th
sess. : 1962) $g Resolutions
and decisions
630 0 7 $a Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
650 1 7 $a HUMAN RIGHTS
710 2 _ UN.
710 2 _ UN. General
Assembly (17th sess. : 1962)
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Resolutions/decisions in annual or sessional reports
If the document containing adopted
resolutions/decisions is a report or draft report
of a Ãå±±½ûµØbody or conference, and it does not consist only of the
resolutions/decisions, assign the appropriate Content Code for the
report (B04, A16 or B08)
and a tag 610 or 611 corporate or
conference subject with the name of the adopting body or conference in $a
and the modifying term Resolutions and decisions
in subfield $g. Assign subjects for the report, but not for the resolutions/decisions.
the resolutions and decisions compiled in the report are sequentially
numbered and they are not issued as individual documents, they are
indexed analytically as monographic component part records (tag 000
position 7 = a). Each resolution
and decision is assigned a document symbol in tag 191
consisting of the series symbol of the issuing body, the acronym RES or
DEC, and the number of the resolution/decision.
1: Sessional report of the Human Rights Council containing sequentially
numbered resolutions and decisions adopted at the session
(A/HRC/4/123). Subjects are assigned for the report, but not for the
resolutions/decisions in the report; the individual
resolutions/decisions are indexed analytically as monographic component
part records.
191 $a A/HRC/4/123
089 $b B04
245 1 0 $a Report to
the General Assembly on the 4th session of the Human Rights Council
505 $a Resolutions
and decisions adopted by the Council at its 4th session – Adoption of
the agenda and organization of the work of the session – Implementation
of General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006 entitled “Human
Rights Council – Annexes: 1. Addenda – 2. Estimated administrative and
programme budget implications of Council resolutions and decisions – 3.
List of attendance – 4. List of documents issued for the 4th session of
the Council.
610 2 7 $a UN. Human
Rights Council (4th sess. : 2007 : Geneva)
610 2 7 $a UN. Human
Rights Council (4th sess. : 2007 : Geneva) $g Resolutions and decisions
610 2 7 $a UN. Human
Rights Council. Group of Experts on the Situation of Human Rights in
Darfur $g Financial
610 2 7 $a UN. Human
Rights Council. High-level Task Force on Implementation of the Right to
Development $g Financial
650 1 7 $a HUMAN
650 2 7 $a SPECIAL
650 2 7 $a DOCUMENTS
Example 2: A resolution analyzed as a monographic component part in the above Report
191 $a A/HRC/RES/4/3
089 $b B01
245 1 0 $a Intergovernmental
Working Group on the Review of Mandates
580 $a In: Report to
the General Assembly on the 4th session of the Human Rights Council. –
A/HRC/4/123. – 12 June 2007. – p. 10-11.
610 2 7 $a UN.
Human Rights Council. Intergovernmental Working Group on the
Implementation of Paragraph 6 of General Assembly Resolution 60/251
610 2 7 $a UN. Human
Rights Council (5th sess. : 2007 : Geneva)
630 0 7 $a Manual
for Special Rapporteurs/Representatives/Experts and Chairpersons of
Working Groups of the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council
and of the Advisory Services Programme
630 0 7 $a Code of
Conduct for Special Procedures Mandate-holders of the Human Rights
Council (2007)
650 1 7 $a HUMAN
650 1 7 $a SPECIAL
650 1 7 $a WORKING
650 1 7 $a MANUALS
650 1 7 $a CODES OF
a resolution is divided into several parts, each part in addition to
the main text should be indexed separately as analytical records.
Example 1: Resolution entitled
“Questions relating to information”
A/RES/61/121A-B: should include subject headings for entire text.
A/RES/61/121[A]: should include subject headings for part A.
A/RES/61/121[B]: should include subject headings for part B.
[The following three separate records are indexed]
Example 2:
A/RES/60/121 (issued on the 8th of Feb.
A/RES/60/121B (issued on the 18th of Oct. 2006)
[with a note in the official document “Resolution
60/121..... becomes resolution 60/121 A”.]
[The main document symbol (subfield $a
of tag 191) changes to A /RES/60/121A and the
previous document symbol A/RES/60/121 goes to subfield $z
of tag 191 (alternate symbol). Also, tag 500
note “Symbol on document A/RES/60/121” is added.]
[The following three records are searchable]
conclusions adopted by the UNCTAD Trade and Development Board are
included in sessional reports of the Trade and Development Board in the
same numerical sequence as the Board’s resolutions and decisions. They
are indexed analytically like resolutions and decisions; the acronym
AGC precedes the number in the document symbol assigned to the analytic
records for agreed conclusions, and Content Code B01
is assigned.
Analytic record for an agreed conclusion of the Trade and Development
Board contained in the report of the Board on its resumed 52nd session
089 $b B01
191 $a TD/B/AGC/484(LII)
245 1 0 $a Economic
development in Africa : $b the role of foreign direct investment in growth and
development : agreed conclusions 484(LII)
580 $a In:
Report of the Trade and Development Board on its resumed 52nd session,
held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on 7 November 2005. Volume 1,
Report to the United Nations General Assembly. –
TD/B/52/10(Vol.I)/Add.1. – 9 Nov. 2005. – p. 4-6.
610 2 7 $a New
Partnership for Africa’s Development
610 2 7 $a UNCTAD
611 2 7 $a South
Summit (2005 : Doha)
630 0 7 $a Millennium
Development Goals
630 0 7 $a Doha Plan
of Action (2005)
650 1 7 $a ECONOMIC
650 1 7 $a FOREIGN
650 1 7 $a DEVELOPMENT
650 1 7 $a AFRICA
650 2 7 $a DEVELOPMENT
650 2 7 $a DEVELOPMENT
650 2 7 $a INVESTMENT
If resolutions and decisions contained in a
report do not bear sequential numbering
and are not
indexed as individual analytic records, indexers should assign subject
terms for the main subjects of the resolutions and decisions in
addition to the subject terms assigned for the report.
Sessional report of the Executive Committee of the UNHCR Programme
containing unnumbered decisions adopted at the session (A/AC.96/1035).
Subject terms are assigned not only for the report, but also for the
decisions in the report, since the individual decisions are not indexed
analytically as monographic component part records. Subject terms are
assigned in the order in which the decisions appear in the report
089 $b B04
089 $b B01
245 1 0 $a Report of
the 57th session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s
505 $a Work
of the 57th session – Conclusions and decisions of the Executive
Committee: A. Conclusion on women and girls at risk -- B. Conclusion on
identification, prevention and reduction of statelessness and
protection of stateless persons -- C. General decision on
administrative, financial and programme matters – D. Decision on the
programme of work of the Standing Committee in 2007 -- E. Decision on
the provisional agenda of the 58th session of the Executive Committee
-- F. Decision on observer participation in 2006-2007 -- Annexes: 1.
Decisions adopted by the Standing Committee in 2006 -- 2. Chairman’s
summary of the general debate.
610 2 7 $a UN.
Executive Committee of the UNHCR Programme (57th sess. : 2006 : Geneva)
610 2 7 $a UN.
Executive Committee of the UNHCR Programme (57th sess. : 2006 : Geneva)
$g Resolutions and
610 2 7 $a UNHCR
$g Programme
610 2 7 $a UNHCR
$g Financing
610 2 7 $a UNHCR
$g Budget (2007)
610 2 7 $a UNHCR
$g Administration
610 2 7 $a UN.
Executive Committee of the UNHCR Programme. Standing Committee $g
Work programme (2007)
610 2 7 $a UN.
Executive Committee of the UNHCR Programme $g Participants
610 2 7 $a UN.
Executive Committee of the UNHCR Programme (58th sess. : 2007 : Geneva)
$g Agenda
610 2 7 $a UN.
Executive Committee of the UNHCR Programme. Standing Committee $g
Resolutions and decisions
650 1 7 $a REFUGEE
650 1 7 $a REFUGEE
650 1 7 $a DISPLACED
650 1 7 $a PROGRAMME
650 2 7 $a WOMEN
650 2 7 $a GIRLS
650 2 7 $a OBSERVER
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Sponsors of draft resolutions/decisions
In case of a Ãå±±½ûµØdraft resolution or decision (089 Content Code B02),
sponsored by a Ãå±±½ûµØMember State on behalf of a non-Ãå±±½ûµØintergovernmental
organization, only the Ãå±±½ûµØMember State is assigned in tag 710,
not the intergovernmental organization. Non-Ãå±±½ûµØintergovernmental
organizations having consultative status with the Ãå±±½ûµØthat may appear in
statements of responsibility (245 $c) but are not assigned in tag 710
include the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement, the
European Union, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the
League of Arab States.
when a Ãå±±½ûµØdraft resolution/decision is sponsored by a Ãå±±½ûµØMember State
on behalf of a grouping of Ãå±±½ûµØMember States that have grouped together
as a means for countries to articulate and promote their collective
interests and enhance their joint negotiating capacity on all major
international economic and social issues within the Ãå±±½ûµØsystem, both the
Ãå±±½ûµØMember State and the Ãå±±½ûµØcountry grouping are assigned in tag 710.
Examples of such country groupings within the Ãå±±½ûµØsystem are the
regional groups of States (Group of African States, etc.), so-called
"Like-minded groups", and the Group of 77.
089 $b B02
191 $a A/HRC/2/L.45
245 10 $a Situation of human rights in Darfur : $b draft decision / $c Finland (on behalf of the European Union)
710 2_ $a Finland
089 $b B02
191 $a A/C.3/62/L.28
245 10 $a International Year of Human Rights Learning : $b draft resolution / $c Benin [on behalf of the Group of African States]
710 2_ $a Benin
710 2_ $a UN. Group of African States
about the intergovernmental organization appears at the bottom of the
page, therefore it can be picked up in tag 245 between square brackets]
245 10 $a Jerusalem : $b draft resolution / $c Algeria, [...], Yemen, Zimbabwe and Palestine
710 2_ $a Algeria
710 2_ $a Yemen
710 2_ $a Zimbabwe
710 2_ $a Palestine
is assigned in tag 710, since it has received a standing invitation to
participate as observer in the session and the work of the General
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by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld
Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further
additions/enhancements may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© United Nations 2008-2009. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 16 October 2009