Required field.
In voting records, the following subfields
are used in tag 791
$a - resolution symbol
$b - issuing body
$c - session
$z - alternate symbol
In voting records of General Assembly resolutions with voting records, which are imported from the voting machine, tag
does not include subfield
$c, i.e. the session number. In such
case, subfield $c should be added in
order to have the session number recorded.
791 $a A/RES/58/1
$b A/
[tag 791 in the imported record]
791 $a A/RES/58/1
$b A/
$c 58
[subfield $c is added to tag 791]
791 $a A/RES/37/100[A]
791 $b*** $z A/RES/37/100
[Document symbol appears on t.p. as A/RES/37/100; document symbol with added prefix
is recorded in 791 $a; document symbol as it appears on t.p., without added prefix, is recorded in
791 $z of added 791 tag]
Maintained by the Department of Public Information
(DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Comments as well as
suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be directed
to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library. © United Nations
2004-2009. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 14 July 2009 |