
Academic Institutions Links

Below are links to national academic institutions that deal with oceans and the law of the sea.  Whenever possible, these links point to a specific ocean and law of the sea-related page within a web site. Subject areas mentioned are indicative, not exhaustive.

Note: This Site contains links and references to third-party web sites. The linked sites are not under the control of the United Nations, and the United Nations is not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. The United Nations provides these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of a link or reference does not imply the endorsement of the linked site by the United Nations. Entries are in alphabetical order by name.

Link to the list of educational institutions associated with the Hamilton Shirley Amerasinghe fellowship programme

Link to the list of universities and institutions which have confirmed their participation in the United Nations - The Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme

Academic Institutions with programmes in Ocean Law and Policy

(See also Institutions associated with the TRAIN-SEA-COAST (TSC) Programme)

Academic institution dealing with all fields of international law; discussion forum, research organization, publisher, training and advice centre; publisher International and Comparative Law Quarterly

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
 Law of the sea, ocean policy, national security law


(CMI), Antwerp, Belgium
Contributes to unification of maritime law in all its aspects; promotes establishment of national associations of maritime law and cooperates with other international organizations
Education in oceanography; government policy reports and speeches; legislative initiatives

, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Marine and environmental law; courses and seminars in coastal zone management, marine environment protection; law of the sea, admiralty, carriage of goods  by sea, ocean law and policy 

, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K.
Comparative law, socio-legal studies; special post-graduate fellowships and research programmes in law of the sea 
Welcome to the Graduate Institute of International Studies , Geneva, Switzerland
International law; special post-graduate fellowships and research programmes in law of the sea
, Department of Marine Affairs, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, USA
Master's and Ph.D. programs in ocean/coastal management, policy, and law. The  focus of this department is on integrated and ecosystem-based approaches to coastal/ocean management.

, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, USA
Public law, international law of the sea, international, foreign and domestic law relating to environmental protection and coastal zone management, private law, such as admiralty and marine insurance

, , Santiago, Chile

International and economic relations (Latin America), international law, natural resources law

, Faculty of Law, , Southampton, U.K.  

Maritime law, pollution claims, maritime casualties, salvage

, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
International law; special post-graduate fellowships and research programmes in law of the sea

, , , Seattle, Washington, USA
Interdisciplinary aspects of law and policy issues relevant to ocean and coastal resources, marine trade and transportation, protection of the marine environment
Undergraduate and advanced degrees in maritime studies, fisheries, technology; industry training; electronic learning service; K-12 marine topics

, , Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA
Global environmental change, biological diversity. marine protected areas, marine pollution, fisheries management; marine science and technology policy, marine biotechnology industries and management

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, University of the South Pacific, Fiji
Marine Studies is an interdisciplinary, university-wide programme, administered by the in collaboration with the Schools and Institutes, and with the advice of the Marine Studies Advisory Board, whose membership includes representatives from regional and international agencies and donor organizations

, Heidelberg, Germany
Public international law, law of international organizations, international legal relations

, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Law of the sea, conservation, utilization and management of marine natural resources, developing countries perspective


, Aegean Institute on the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law, Rhodes, Greece
Ocean law, principles of contemporary ocean law and policy, State practice; yearly three-week session/seminar
, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA
International law; special post-graduate fellowships and research programmes in law of the sea
, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Policy and institutional issues related to the ocean combining natural sciences and engineering with law, economics, international affairs, and public administration; teaching and research programs cover marine affairs, coastal zone management, ports and marine transportation, atmospheric and marine policy, living marine resources, and international law of the sea
Neptune (Centre de droit maritime et oceanique), Law Faculty, University of Nates, France

Information on courses, research programs, publications, activities in marine and coastal law; Juris Doctor degree offered

, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
International law, environmental law

Academic Institutions with programmes in Ocean Science

CIM Logo   -  Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
Information on Center's research laboratories, groups, projects; graduate study programmes in oceanology; international symposia
Logo , Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Undergraduate and Graduate degrees in Atmospheric Sciences, Biological, Chemical and Physical oceanography, Marine Geology, Marine Geophysics and Marine Resources Management;  participant in Program
- University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, Florida, USA
Research, education in fishery science; advanced techniques for fishery management
, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Oceanography (biological, chemical, geological, geophysical, physical), fisheries sciences, marine affairs; undergraduate and graduate
, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Offers graduate degree (PhD. and MSc.) in atmospheric sciences, biological, chemical, geological and physical oceanography
FNI Home , Lysaker, Norway
Independent foundation engaged in research on international environmental, energy, and resource management politics
, University of Delaware, Delaware, USA
Graduate-only institution; degrees in Marine Biology-Biochemistry, Marine Policy, Oceanography and Physical Ocean Science & Engineering
, University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island, USA
Biological, chemical, geological, physical oceanography

, Columbia University, New Jersey, USA

Earth/ocean science, seismic studies, paleo-oceanography, sea floor spreading
, Newfoundland, Canada
Undergraduate and advanced degrees in maritime studies, fisheries, technology; industry training; electronic learning service; K-12 marine topics
, University of the South Pacific, Fiji
 Marine Studies is an interdisciplinary, university-wide programme, administered by the in collaboration with the Schools and Institutes, and with the advice of the Marine Studies Advisory Board, whose membership includes representatives from regional and international agencies and donor organizations
(ORI), University of Tokyo, Japan
Research in physical, chemical and biological oceanography, ocean floor geoscience, marine ecosystems and living marine resources
, University of Hawaii
Geology, geophysics, meteorology and oceanography of Pacific Ocean
- California, USA
Graduate programmes and undergraduate oceanography; research fellowships; marine medicine research; library 

, United Kingdom
Ocean circulation and climate research, seafloor processes, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, marine biodiversity, maritime archaeology
Graduate and undergraduate courses in biological, chemical, geological and physical oceanography;  extensive research in the Gulf of Mexico; publisher of the research journal  
Study of northern seas and coasts; course information; seminar schedules; news
University of Miami - , Key West, Florida, USA
Information on academic and research programs; outreach programmes; environmental observations - radar, satellite
University of South Florida, - and , USA
Study of coastal processes of highly variable regions - Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and Cuba using e.g.,  CZCS, SeaWiFS, Landsat, and TOPEX/POSEIDON
, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA
 Biological, chemical, physical, geological marine science; information on research programmes; deepsea submersible program; library
, Malmo, Sweden
Established by the ; offers courses in: maritime safety & environmental protection, maritime administration, education & training, port management, shipping management


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