
National Governmental Agencies Links

Below are links to national Governmental Agencies that deal with oceans and the law of the sea.  Entries are in alphabetical order by country.

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National Governmental Agencies

CIMA objective is the expansion of the understanding of the physical processes that control and determine the behaviour of the atmosphere and the ocean, and in particular, El Niño, the greenhouse effect, ozone layer reduction, etc.
Programs and research projects in fisheries exploitation and capture

AMBIS Logo   - Australian Maritime Boundaries Information System - AUSTRALIA
Geographic information system containing a national coverage of Australia's maritime limits set in accordance with UNCLOS;  explains the processes and calculations undertaken to establish jurisdictional limits of its maritime zones
Research in the sustainable use of Australia's marine resources, the ocean's role in climate, and the effective conservation of the marine ecosystem integrity
Promotes conservation and sustainable resource use, scientific research, marine safety and environmental protection
Research and activities in marine economics, international marine management, marine science and technology, marine environment protection; information on marine legislation
Information on biological specificity of Croatian flora and fauna, including fish, marine mammals; biological journals
National governmental agency charged with the task of supporting the
government departments in developing an integrated Portuguese ocean policy. 
(MEI), Estonian Ministry of Environment, Tallinn, ESTONIA
Research programmes and projects, marine monitoring, cruises, events; emphasis on the Baltic Sea
(Merentutkimuslaitos), FINLAND
Research such as the Baltic Air-Sea-Ice Study, use of satellite data for sea ice monitoring and Baltic Sea phytoplankton studies

- Initiative Française pour les Récifs Coralliens - FRANCE
French Coral Reef Initiative to ensure awareness of policy makers and public of the cultural, social, ecological, economic and political importance of coral reefs; promote French participation in the  
- Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea), FRANCE
Research and exploitation of the sea; programmes on marine environment, marine science, marine resources


- (Institute of Research for Development), FRANCE
French environmental research organization to promote sustainable development; includes study of Mediterranean and tropical aquatic ecosystems
- Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei - Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, GERMANY
Fisheries research of direct relevance to national and international fisheries management, marine resources conventions and fishery products; regional fish stock assessments, fishery ecology and technology
Government research institution; research in all fields of aquatic environment; technical support to public on marine environment
Fisheries management, fish tagging, fish stock assessments and quotas, publications, research, dictionary of fish names in six languages
Promotes and assists in marine research and development in the areas of marine science, technology, fisheries (including salmon) and the environment
- National Institute of Oceanography,  Goa, INDIA
Indian institution under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research charged to continuously improve understanding of the seas and to translate this knowledge to benefit mankind; biological, engineering, coastal resources, climate specializations
 - Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, JAPAN
(In and ) - national oceanographic institution:  cutting-edge deep-sea research, submersibles; deep-sea extremophiles database, ocean-atmosphere systems, wave-generated energy research, FAQ about the sea
  - Kenya Marine and Fisheries Institute, KENYA
Carries out research in fisheries, aquatic biology, chemical and physical oceanography, coastal zone management; training facilities, pollution monitoring; information on products, activities

   - Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
Ocean research institution; global oceanography programme, promotion of innovative ocean science and technology, professional expertise 

  , Ministry of Agriculture - MALAYSIA
Conduct research on fisheries resource management, aquaculture aquatic ecology and in (Quality Assurance and Post-harvest Technology). 
Multi-disciplinary specialization in transfer and transport of matter and energy in the sea, matter in sediments, ecology of marine species, community dynamics and biodiversity, temporal variability in marine systems and climate change
- Institute of Marine Research, NORWAY
Research arm of Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries; research in fields of marine resources, marine environment and aquaculture; information on research projects, publications, conferences

, Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA
Staff of over 800 researchers conduct investigations into ocean physics, marine geology, marine biology and underwater investigations;  extensive fleet of research vessels cover virtually all areas of the worlds oceans; in and

- National Board of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, SWEDEN
Swedish government agency charged with overseeing aquaculture, fisheries and fisheries conservation; international assistance programmes
Implementation of fisheries laws, expansion of fish production and reduction of uneconomical fisheries practices, research

- Inter-Agency Committee on Marine Science and Technology - UNITED KINGDOM
Maintains an overview of marine activities across Government; it encourages links between Government and the national marine community, the wider application of marine science and technology, optimum use of major UK marine facilities, training and education and international links

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, Natural Environment Research Council  - UNITED KINGDOM
Undertakes fundamental and strategic research to support the marine requirements of the United Kingdom in collaboration with other organizations throughout the world; conducts research and forecasting in the marine environment, development of new technology to monitor marine environment; information on programmes and conferences


 , USA
U.S. governmental agency dealing with all aspects of the oceans;  has sub-websites on specific ocean issues
NOAA Banner NOAA - , USA
Links to NOAA's various ocean-related activities and services
Office of Response and Restoration NOAA - , USA
Tools and information for emergency responders and planners, and others working to understand and mitigate the effects of oil and hazardous materials in our waters and along our coasts
Programs to effectively manage multiple uses of the nation's coastal and ocean resources. OCRM administering NOAA's , , and its  
oes logo , Department of State, USA
Department of State site containing policy statements, U.S. official documents, testimony before U.S. Congress, speeches; also (information prior to 20 January 2001) on Arctic and Antarctic policy, ocean policy and law of the sea, marine environment and science, fisheries, marine conservation and invasive species
Office of Naval Research, 800 N. Quincy Street, Arlington, VA 22217-5660 - Office of Naval Research, USA
Coordinates science and technology programmes of U.S. agencies; news releases and speeches, conference and workshop proceedings, distinguished lecture series, educational opportunities; award-winning science and technology section for students

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