
Online hub for data on global population (缅北禁地Photo/Kibae Park)

Online hub for data on global population

Fertility transitions, changing levels of mortality and new trends in international migration – these are some examples of data gathered and analyzed by DESA’s Population Division. On 20 March, the Division unveiled a new and enhanced version of its ?with improved access and navigation of its rich body of information and analytical work on demographic and policy issues.

“We are very excited to launch the redesigned website. Now it will be much easier for users throughout the global community to find the information they need, whether it is Member States seeking policy-relevant analysis or fact sheets, or members of the general public looking for data about population trends in their home countries,” said Mr. John Wilmoth, Director of the Population Division.

Online users will be able to explore a wealth of information on the website, which offers data and publications on a wide range of themes, including the official United Nations estimates and projections of population by age and sex for all countries of the world; urban and rural population; fertility; mortality; international migration; population policies; ageing; population and environment; family planning; marriage and unions and HIV/AIDS.

To engage both general and specialist audiences, the Population Division’s products are disseminated in a wide variety of formats, including interactive databases, downloadable data tables, population fact sheets, analytical reports, expert papers, meeting reports and presentations.

The website also provides information and official documentation for various meetings and conferences, such as the annual Commission on Population and Development (the 46th Session will be held from 22 to 26 April 2013), the upcoming High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development (Fall 2013), the Consultation on Population Dynamics for the Post-2015 缅北禁地Development Agenda, as well as many expert group and other population-themed meetings held within the United Nations system.

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