
?IFAD/R. Ramasomanana

International community discusses the future of sustainable consumption and production

Recognizing the importance of sustainable consumption and production?(SCP) as one of the overarching objectives of sustainable development, Member States, Major Groups, and 缅北禁地Agencies met in Panama from 13-14 January to discuss potential programs to be included in the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on SCP (10YFP) to support regional and national initiatives, the structure the 10YFP could take, and the possible visions and objectives it could serve.

The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, calls for action to encourage and promote the development of a 10-year framework of programmes in support of regional and national initiatives to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production.

This year during the 19th session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-19) to be held in May, Member States will negotiate the draft of the 10-year Framework of Programmes.

Strong political commitment has been demonstrated for SCP since the summit in 2002 including through the regional roundtables and endorsement of regional strategies on SCP in America, Europe and the Arab region, and the development of national SCP programmes and increased efforts to mainstream SCP into development plans.

These initiatives are a clear demonstration of the nation’s commitment to make SCP work, however, its implementation and changing entrenched practices and behaviors have increased the complexity of the process. ?

Sustainable consumption and production is a broad, holistic, and cross cutting concept which embodies the notions of intra- and intergenerational equity, linkages to resource efficiency and MDG goals such as poverty alleviation and access to water, energy, and sanitation. Given its multifaceted nature, engaging all national and international stakeholders remains an important challenge.

Taking into consideration the aforementioned issues, the high-level intersessional meeting on the 10YFP in Panama was an important initiative to discuss the necessary approaches to integrate key stakeholders in the process and to explore the most appropriate options for the structure of the plan.?

The positive results of the discussion in Panama also served as an important input to the success of the Intergovermental Preparatory Meeting, taking place from 28 February to 4 March, and CSD-19 negotiations.

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