People across Asia and the Pacific are convening virtually this week to take the pulse of climate action, explore possibilities for action and showcase ambitious solutions. They will spotlight all that can be done in the region to slow rising temperatures and keep a livable planet. Leading up to pivotal global climate talks at in Glasgow, attention and action are more critical than ever.

Check for more information and a link to register. See an of action on climate adaptation in the region, in words and pictures, and find out where the region is on climate-related . Read a perspective on why .

Across Asia and the Pacific, 63 percent of people consider climate change a major “global emergency” and want more action from their leaders. Find out what have to say in mobilizing for climate action. Plus see from a novel meeting between national policymakers and local climate activists, like deeper partnerships premised on local people as agents of change.

Want to explore more? Click through some suggested links on this page.

The solutions

People all over the region are applying their ingenuity to climate problems – and coming up with solutions. They show what’s possible, affordable and desirable to keep climate action on track in line with the Paris Agreement. In many cases, climate action produces a ripple effect with many other benefits, like more jobs, higher incomes, increased access to energy and gender equality.

in Lao People’s Democratic Republic, bringing light along with improved services and livelihoods.

Small island countries like Samoa and Vanuatu are innovating big to . The Maldives has on 41 islands with more to come.

Villagers install solar panels in Lelepa, Vanuatu.

Follow the journey of one of 滨苍诲颈补’蝉 . 础耻蝉迟谤补濒颈补’蝉 is intent on “deep decarbonization”.

In China, 500 million people have turned to a popular app to record what they do to cut emissions. The result: . Plus 400,000 jobs have been created along the way.

What difference does it make to ? Pakistan has protected fragile coastal communities and gained recognition from the Guinness Book of World Records.

Asia and the Pacific is the world’s most undernourished region; climate change promises to escalate pressures on food systems. To adapt, Kiribati is taking steps to . China is developing that can thrive despite climate change.

Sri Lanka is through an ancient and sophisticated network of cascading water tanks aligned with natural topography and watersheds.

With rapid urbanization presenting climate challenges and opportunities, find out how Thailand is turning to nature to improve the . Plus a new report explores .

To address Bangkok’s vulnerabilities to climate change, Landprocess focuses on increasing carbon-sequestering landscapes and redesign the waste spaces and infrastructure for concrete cities to return to increase urban adaptability.

As a low-lying island, Tuvalu faces imminent existential threats from sea-level rise, so people there are coming together to define . Learn more about in the Pacific and tune in to a recent regional dialogue on .

With gender discrimination still leaving many women across Asia and the Pacific more vulnerable to climate change and with fewer resources to adapt, a recent and offers ideas on how to take climate action that upholds rights and supports equality.

In the Republic of Korea, through the Hope to the Future Association, 7,000 youth have mobilized to reduce plastic waste, find climate solutions and achieve the .

Finally, meet the winners of the , young entrepreneurs with big plans to jumpstart the circular economy.

The data

Want to dive deep into climate data on the region? Check historical and projected climate data by country on the World Bank’s .

See how the Asian Development Bank .

Action plans and agreements

The Paris Agreement affirms global consensus on climate action. Keep an eye on what countries in the region are doing to get to net-zero emissions in line with the Paris goal of limiting temperature rise to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

A big push is on to translate Paris commitments into action through national climate plans known as Nationally Determined Contributions. See a recent in Asia and the Pacific and explore some . New guidance backs of Paris commitments.

Bhutan is intent on across its NDC.

India has initiated a reboot of how it tracks its development by . So has Papua New Guinea. Indonesia is turning to as a novel source of scaled-up finance for climate action.