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A boy walks along a sandbar.
Department of Global Communications

COVID-19 shocks too big to handle for small island nations, 缅北禁地warns

As the COVID-19 pandemic affects people around the world, the United Nations and its partners are working to cushion the economic impact of the crisis on small island developing States, which are already reeling from climate-related challenges, such as rising sea levels and devastating storms.

RCO Bosnia and Herzegovina

Their greatest challenge yet: Migrants and refugees square off against COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina

They have traveled hundreds, even thousands of miles. They have journeyed by truck and car and on foot, for weeks, months, even years. They have fled violence in their home countries of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, and elsewhere, many of them seeking a better life in Central Europe. On route, they have been stopped and searched and detained, and they have just endured the frosts of winter.

缅北禁地radio spreads Covid-19 information to remote areas

In the Central African Republic, radio broadcasts are a useful means to share public information, especially to the most remote populations. 缅北禁地Volunteers assigned with the MINUSCA’s radio are on the frontline to raise awareness aboutt the COVID-19 pandemic. These dedicated 缅北禁地Volunteers share current up-dates on COVID-19 via radio programmes, while advocating for prevention and protection measures.

girl in doorway holds doll
Department of Global Communications

缅北禁地scaling up COVID-19 response to protect refugees and migrants

As COVID-19 spreads across continents, the United Nations and its partners are working around the clock to prevent the pandemic from wreaking havoc on displaced populations who already face humanitarian crises. In cramped camp settings, these people are struggling to implement measures to avoid community transmission of the virus, such as physical distancing and frequent hand-washing, but are responding to the threat proactively.   

Secretary-General António Guterres standing at podium with other 缅北禁地officials behind him.
António Guterres

We are all in this Together: Human Rights and COVID-19 Response and Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency — but it is far more. It is an economic crisis.  A social crisis.  And a human crisis that is fast becoming a human rights crisis. Today, I am releasing a report highlighting how human rights can and must guide COVID-19 response and recovery.

coral reef in Pacific
Department of Global Communications

Climate Change and COVID-19: 缅北禁地urges nations to ‘recover better’

As the world begins planning for a post-pandemic recovery, the United Nations is calling on Governments to seize the opportunity to “build back better” by creating a more sustainable, resilient and inclusive societies.  

woman with face mask standing in garden
Department of Global Communications

United Nations working to flatten COVID-19 curve in Southeast Asia

Although the spread of the coronavirus has been relatively slow in South and Southeast Asia, the United Nations and its partners are working to save the densely populated and disaster-prone region from the impact of COVID-19, which would bring further human suffering to vulnerable people. 



Because we all have equal rights: 缅北禁地supports the migrant and refugee population in Peru during COVID-19

Omar, Mayra and Karen (names have been changed) arrived in Peru like many of their compatriots, in search of a better future. They remind us of so many Peruvians who once migrated to other countries with the same enthusiasm.

Female officer inside airport.
Department of Global Communications

缅北禁地calls for measures to cushion COVID-19 shocks to labour market

As the coronavirus pandemic wreaks havoc on labour markets worldwide, the United Nations is calling for a global response to match the scale of the crisis, while countries roll out emergency stimulus packages to support livelihoods.

UNRIC Brussels

Immigrants sew surgical gowns for Covid-19 response

At a small business in Asker, Norway order sheets cover the walls in the Sisters in Business’ conference room. Rattling sewing machines and boxes of reusable surgical gowns fill the main room.

UNO Kyiv

Kyiv stays home to defeat Covid-19

The pre-pandemic Kyiv and Kyiv in the quarantine seem to be completely different cities. A month ago, life was pulsing here, like in any other megalopolis in the world. Quiet streets, empty places of interest – such is the reality of Kyiv today, in the conditions of the global COVID-19 epidemic.

RCO China

JiaYou World - We Will Beat COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has spread across the world with unprecedented speed, impacting over 200 countries and territories and resulting in around one-third of the world’s population being in lockdown.


Brazilian delivery worker faces daily fear of coronavirus infection

When the clock strikes ten in the morning, Matheus Martinez, 27, is already riding his bicycle, carrying a big square backpack and cycling through the streets of Porto Alegre, in the south of Brazil.

UNRIC Brussels

Anonymous donors, individuals and corporations mobilize to support caregivers

Gestures of solidarity with healthcare staff, who are paying a heavy price in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, are multiplying in France and the Benelux countries. Calls for donations, offers of no-cost accommodations, meal deliveries, free parking, and gifts of every kind are heartening donors and recipients alike for what they signal: we are in this fight together.

UNRIC Brussels

Home nurses overcome fear to serve patients

Every day, Mireille Delon's alarm clock rings before 6 o'clock. Her first home visit starts at 6.45 am. Like thousands of nurses and orderlies, she will spend nearly ten hours a day with her patients and will only go home after she sees the last one, after 8:30 pm.