
The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action

The Review Conference will review progress and assess the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (DDPA).

Adopted by consensus at the in Durban, South Africa, the DDPA is a comprehensive, action-oriented document that proposes concrete measures to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. It is holistic in its vision, addresses a wide range of issues, and contains far-reaching recommendations and practical measures.

The DDPA embodies the firm commitment of the international community to tackle racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance at the national, regional and international level. Recognition that no country can claim to be free of racism, that racism is a global concern, and that tackling it should be a universal effort, is an important achievement. Although the DDPA is not legally binding, it has a strong moral value and serves as a basis for advocacy efforts worldwide.


(This is for public information purposes only and does not constitute an official summary of the DDPA)

Full text of the DDPA (PDF)