
Committee for Programme and Coordination

Relationship to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

The Committee for Programme and Coordination assists the Economic and Social Council in the performance of its coordination functions within the United Nations system by:

  • considering on a sector-by-sector basis the activities and programmes of the agencies of the United Nations system in order to enable the Council effectively to perform its functions as co-ordinator of the system and ensure that the work programmes of the United Nations and its agencies shall be compatible and mutually complementary;
  • recommending guidelines for the agencies of the United Nations system on their programmes and activities, taking into account their respective functions and responsibilities and the need for coherence and coordination throughout the system:
  • undertaking, upon the recommendation of the General Assembly or the Economic and Social Council, a review and appraisal of the implementation of important legislative decisions, so as to determine the degree of co-ordinated effort undertaken throughout the United Nations system in certain priority fields designated as such by legislative bodies.

The Committee also studies the reports of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (), formerly known as Administrative Committee on Coordination.

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