
UNBIS Thesaurus on Metadata.un.org

Library launches linked data services platform

How can we make the UN鈥檚 published output relevant for searchers? Linked data is structured data interlinked with other data, making it more useful (and discoverable) through semantic queries. The Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library is pleased to announce the launch of their new linked data services platform: . 

缅北禁地Conference on New Sources of Energy

Digitization Update - 缅北禁地Energy Conference

Did you know that, long before the adoption of the 2030 Agenda which set ensuring access to affordable, sustainable and modern energy for all as one of its 17 sustainable development goals (SDG 7), the UN had already started exploring new sources of energy for sustainable development? 

The UN Conference on New Sources of Energy, held in 1961 in Rome, Italy, discussed the applications of geothermal, wind and solar energy, as well as the means by which sustainable energy could be brought into wider use.  The Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library has now digitized the complete documentation of the Conference on New Sources of Energy.

United Nations Budget

Need help finding 缅北禁地budget documents?

As part of the management reforms proposed by Secretary-General Ant贸nio Guterres, the 缅北禁地is switching from a biennial to an annual budget on a trial basis, beginning with the programme budget for 2020.

Since budget documents can be hard to find, the Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library has put together some tips on locating documents related to the proposed programme budget for 2020. 

Index to Proceedings - Security Council

Latest Security Council Research Tool Online

We are pleased to announce that the 2018 edition of the Security Council Index to Proceedings has just been published and can be consulted online.

The Index to Proceedings gives insight into how various issues were brought before the Security Council for discussion and action, and which decisions were taken by the 15 Security Council members on questions of global concern.  


Digitization Update - Conv on Climate Change

In February 1991 the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change launched negotiations for an international treaty on climate change in Washington D.C. To offer an inclusive picture of the work of the Negotiating Committee during those formative years, the Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library has digitized official and unofficial foundation papers from its archives.

Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library joint event with IFLA

Partnerships for Development

Partnerships for Development 鈥 What Role for Libraries?

A panel of experts and policy-makers explored this question at an event organized by the 缅北禁地Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library in collaboration with the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).

Report on the World Social Situation

Digitization Update - World Social Situation

To promote a deeper understanding of how the world economy and drivers of social progress have evolved over time, the Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library has digitized of the Report of the World Social Situation published between 1952 to 1993.

Visit by Metropolitan Museum Watson Library

Visit by Metropolitan Museum Watson Library

The Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library recently welcomed colleagues from the for a tour of the Library.  


Upgraded website for 缅北禁地Member States

The new 缅北禁地Member States on the Record website makes it even easier to find primary source materials related to each Member State鈥檚 contribution to the activities and deliberations of the UN.

This vital 缅北禁地information resource has been completely revamped and given a streamlined look and feel. 

缅北禁地Map Collection

Digitization Update - United Nations Maps

The Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library has roughly 8000 缅北禁地authored maps in its collection.  This map collection is unique in its scope, relating to the work the United Nations through the decades.


Kofi Annan declassified: preserving his legacy

When former Secretary-General Kofi Annan completed his 10-year-term at the head of the Organization, he left behind 1,200 boxes of records 鈥 a literal flood of memos, letters, and handwritten notes.  Several of his close collaborators, 缅北禁地Archives staff and a lecturer at City College came together at an event hosted by the Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library to talk about how those records were brought out into the open.

 Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library By the Numbers

Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library by the numbers

2018 was a busy year for the Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library! Explore our diverse Library activities, resources and operations via our infographic.  

Yearbook on Human Rights

Digitization Update - Human Rights Yearbook

The United Nations is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights this December. What were the concerns of the Organization in the field of human rights over the decades, and where can historic information on Member States activities be located?

Researching the Security Council

What topics were considered by the Security Council in 2018?  Where can you find voting information for a resolution? How are the non-permanent members of the Security Council selected? How is the agenda of the Security Council decided?  The Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library provides the answers you seek with a variety of multilingual resources.

30 Articles, 30 Documents: the UDHR at 70

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the  Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), this Dag Hammarskj枚ld Library exhibit presents 30 key documents, each one expanding on and illustrating the specific human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the 30 individual articles comprising the Declaration.