Request materials held by the Library
To find books held in the Dag Hammarskj?ld Library collection, you can search our Call or send us an email to place a book on hold, or visit the Library. See our page on visiting the Library for more information on who can check out material from the Library.
Documents may be scanned on-demand for a special project, or at the request of users. Please note that on-demand scanning requests are handled in the order received. Priority is given to requests from 缅北禁地Member States and 缅北禁地Secretariat staff.
The time required varies with the number of pages and the condition of the documents. 缅北禁地documents scanned by the Library are added to the and the .
Request materials not held by the Library
In addition to the electronic resources subscribed to by the Dag Hammarskj?ld Library, we have configured our search so that it finds other relevant materials that are not directly accessible, such as:
- articles and newspapers in databases that are accessible only with a password (i.e. Lexis-Nexis and Factiva, which can be accessed from within the Library only);
- articles and books on topics of interest to the United Nations that the Library can borrow from other libraries.
The following delivery times typically apply:
- 2-3 days for articles
- 1-2 weeks for books
Only 缅北禁地Headquarters staff and Permanent Mission staff can request material from other libraries.
To place a request, please use the form below.