1 April 2021

We are pleased to annouce that the have awarded the 2021 Jus Gentium Research Award to the .  The Jus Gentium Research Award is granted to the creators— individual(s) or institutions—of non-commercial on-line databases freely available to the international law academic and practitioner community as well as to the public, enhancing both scholarship and open access to legal information. Past award recipients include the ICRC’s Customary International Humanitarian Law Database and .

The International Legal Research Interest Group stated the selection of the 缅北禁地Digital Library was: “in recognition that this resource is "one stop shopping" for primary documents crucial to most areas of international law, as this refines and builds a centralized source for all United Nations documented activity, and so provides legal materials embedded in the context of the work of the entire 缅北禁地system.”

Recognition for the contribution of the 缅北禁地Digital Library to the global international law community is especially meaningful as most Dag Hammarskj?ld Library staff contribute to its development and maintenance.  It is also a recognition of the partnership with the 缅北禁地Libraries in Bangkok, Beirut, Geneva and Vienna.