In this article by , author and 缅北禁地Food Systems Summit Special Envoy, Agnes Kalibata, writes on how transforming entire food systems around the world offers the solution to the challenge many have not yet realised we are facing.

Rethinking the whole food systems value chain from the way food is produced to how it is marketed and sold, and how waste is processed, has the potential not only to save these hidden costs but to safeguard the very sustainability of people and planet.


Investments into stronger local value chains, allowing farmers to get more food to market and consumers to buy only what they need, can help improve livelihoods for those in agricultural sectors while also improving access to nutritious food, reducing the hidden cost of diet-related illnesses, and educating consumers on the environmental cost of their choices.” - Special Envoy, Agnes Kalibata


The 缅北禁地Food Systems Summit has generated dozens of game-changing to help countries realise the full potential of functional and sustainable food systems.


Read the full piece on the Inter Press Service .