
Picture in orange and purple of a woman smiling


A day in the life of a former female guerrilla fighter

The Peace Agreement in Colombia, signed in 2016 between the Government and the guerilla FARC-EP, put an end to the longest war in Latin America. This short documentary offers an intimate look at the personal story and daily life of Marinelly Hernández, a former guerrilla fighter.

缅北禁地Women supports the reintegration of former FARC-EP female guerrilla fighters with actions that promote their citizenship, political leadership, economic empowerment and care economy, in order to reinforce their role as peacebuilders.


Logo of AMPLIFY Her podcast series

Women with digital skills are powerful, even if they want to use them for pursuing a different career. Ask the singer Lyn Lapid. Who is she? Listen to our podcast.


Anastasia Perepylytsia, 44, is no stranger to displacement. She and her family had to relocate twice to different parts of Ukraine because of the Russian-Ukrainian war. At first, she struggled to support—until she came across 缅北禁地Women’s ‘Community Mobilization for Empowerment’ project.

Susila Kanthi is one of the few active fisherwomen in one of Sri Lanka’s biggest fishing districts. After 27 years in the trade, she has garnered respect and support from her community. Get to know all her work and efforts to sustain her family.

Avani Awasthee

Raising rural women’s voices in Sierra Leone

FAO and NGO Solidaridad West Africa launched a capacity development programme for rural women in Sierra Leone to help them access decent employment in agriculture and make responsible investments as entrepreneurs.