

Reduced working hours and more flexible working time arrangements, such as those used during the COVID-19 crisis, can benefit economies, enterprises and workers, and lay the ground for a better and more healthy work-life balance, according to a new report. The report, , looks at the two main aspects of working time; working hours and working time arrangements (also called work schedules) and the effects of both on business performance and workers' work-life balance.

Investing in policies that support Nature-based Solutions would generate significant employment opportunities, particularly in rural areas, if the transition is fair and inclusive, says a new report by the .

ILO presents Linda Sarmento, who was disabled as a child. She was determined to go to school and later found work where she could. The COVID-19 pandemic however has made it harder. Mozambique’s social protection benefit has ensured that she meets her basic needs and helps her daughters attend school.

Over the last decade, reports of labour exploitation of migrants and even forced labour have been widespread. After a complaint in2014, following a period of intense negotiations, the State of Qatar and the launched a programme to support major labour reforms.

In the midst of interlinked crises around the world threatening progress on women’s rights and pushing women out of the paid economy, Goodwill Ambassador Anne Hathaway called on leaders of the global business community to put women at the heart of economic growth and recovery. Ãå±±½ûµØWomen has observed that care that is appreciated and properly valued in all its forms is a critical missing link in unlocking the full potential of women in the economy and in society.  Watch the video to find out more.

Merima Kukić Gego is a young entrepreneur who, during the COVID-19 crisis, set up a food and tourism business in rural Bosnia and Herzegovina, with help from an project.

Research by the and the has found that billions of working days – and billions of dollars – are lost every year because of work-related mental health issues. What are the psychosocial risks associated with modern workplaces, and can we make mentally healthy workplaces the new norm? In of the Future of Work Podcast, Susanna Harkonen, WHO’s Pan-European working group on workplace mental health, and Nina Hedegaard Nielsen, occupational health and safety at The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations, explore how we can improve psychosocial health and safety at work.

a woman kneads dough

Global food and energy markets are feeling the strain of the war. According to the latest , the current disruption to the food and energy markets has only intensified gender disparities, causing rates of food insecurity, malnutrition, and energy poverty. The ensuing cost-of-living crisis has acutely threatened women’s livelihoods, health, and well-being. Empowering rural women means fighting poverty. This International Day of Rural Women (15 Oct) let’s claim rural areas with equal opportunities for all.

invites journalists to submit articles showing media coverage on labour migration and fair recruitment, to recognize their contribution to the elimination of xenophobia and discrimination.

Many artists and cultural professionals face precarious employment conditions with short and unstable contracts that lack social protection. But art is essential to society and the world is richer for it. advocates for artists and cultural professionals around the world.

In Burkina Faso, Latifatou dreamt of becoming a seamstress to escape poverty and child labour. Thanks to support from the , her dream is about to come true.

Champa is 46 and has worked as a migrant domestic worker in Thailand for the past 30 years. She represents a network of domestic workers from Myanmar and advocates for their rights.

An estimated 4.8 million jobs have been lost in Ukraine since the start of the Russian aggression, according to . If hostilities escalate employment losses would increase to seven million.

launched a on the inclusion of persons with disabilities for employers in Asia and the Pacific. Using real-life examples, the guide cites how inclusive policies can boost profitability.

The ILO hosts the from 22-24 February. It brings together heads of State and Government, heads of international organizations and multilateral development banks, and employers’ and workers’ leaders from around the world to propose concrete actions and strengthen the international community’s response to the COVID-19 crisis. The Forum will examine in particular the actions and investments needed to meet the ambition of the  and the .