

His Excellency Andrej Plenkovi?

Statement Summary

ANDREJ PLENKOVI?, Prime Minister of Croatia, said that, after two devastating world wars, the United Nations emerged from the ashes of battlefields as humankind's best hope and the foundation of a new, better world.  While it has yet to achieve its supreme ideal — a just and lasting peace for humanity — the Organization and its organs and agencies have proven their worth on countless occasions.  The scourges of hunger, poverty, disease and displacement still burden the planet, but they affect far fewer people.  Whereas two out of three people lived in extreme poverty at the end of the Second World War, today that share has fallen to less than one in 10, and is one track to fall to under one in 16 by 2030.  He cited significant technological changes, noting that the world’s population has tripled in 75 years and its fossil fuel emissions have increased six?fold.  “This is why the climate change is one of the pivotal fields for the future of humanity,” he said, stressing that “we cannot afford to fail”.  He went on to join other speakers in advocating for a reformed Security Council and a United Nations that is fit for the twenty?first century.


