Type | Voluntary commitment by other stakeholders |
Organisation | Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Foundation Center, UNDP and other Partners |
Scope | National |
Location(s) | Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Ghana, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Nigeria, Turkey, United States |
Themes | Addressing systemic issues; Agriculture and food security; Cross-cutting areas; Data, monitoring, and follow-up; Domestic and international private business and finance; Environment; Infrastructure; Science, technology, innovation and capacity building; Small and medium enterprises; jobs; Social sectors |
The foundations and other partners who partnered on this event committed to strengthening the philanthropy sector’s understanding of the Post-2015 development agenda, and as such are planning to attend the September 山Summit for the Adoption of the Post-2015 Development agenda; convene a meeting on the eve of the Summit (24th) in New York which will again bring together philanthropy, Member States, the UN, civil society and business; and organize other events in 2015-16 to lay the foundation for philanthropy’s meaningful engagement toward achieving the SDGs.
Foundation Center, working with Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors and UNDP, is launching the website SDGFunders.org in September 2015 as the first-of-its-kind portal on philanthropy and the SDGs.
The San Patrignano Foundation announced a new project they are launching with a number of Italian entrepreneurs and an Italian university working with five African countries. The project is to assist these African countries in terms of capacity-building over the next 7 years.
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Ford Foundation, The MasterCard Foundation, San Patrignano Foundation, Government of Kenya, European Foundation Center, WINGS, Southern Africa Trust, Philanthropy Association of Indonesia (PFI).
Promote engagement with the Post-2015 Agenda/Sustainable Development Goals to philanthropy through UN, government and philanthropy events, using the SDGs Philanthropy Platform
Achieve active collaboration across at least 5 goals by 2017
Launch website SDGFunders.org and draw an increasing number of users, and an increasing amount of useful information
Expand beyond the first four pilot countries of the SDGs Philanthropy Platform (formerly known as the Post-2015 Partnership Platform for Philanthropy), which are Kenya, Colombia, Indonesia and Kenya, to over 10 countries within the next three years.
– Collaborative projects
– website launched
– # users increased
– philanthropy recognized as stakeholder in the post-2015 events of the UN, with growing number of participants
– 山and government experts on development invited more regularly to 山eve
Grants from philanthropy; funds from official donors; and time and effort from foundation, 山and government staff.
August 2015-December 2018