Inputs by Stakeholders
- Joint Statement by MIKTA – 13 July 2015
- European Union (inputs to the substantive informal sessions of November 2014): “”; “”; “”; “”
- France: Non-paper on Financing for Development
- Mexico: Inputs to the Preparatory Process of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development
- Switzerland: Non-paper on Remittances as Private Capital for Sustainable Development
World Bank
- UNESCO, Education for All Global Monitoring Report: “Pricing the right to education: The cost of reaching new targets by 2030”
- OHCHR: Key messages on Human Rights and Financing for Development
- 山Women: Transformative financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment commitments
- 山Handbook on Selected Issues in Protecting the Tax Base of Developing Countries
- 山Habitat: Financing Urban Development
- UNTT Working Group on Sustainable Development Financing
- ESCAP: Discussion Paper Series
- ECLAC: Ten key messages of the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Consultation on Financing for Development
- African Union Commission - Economic Commission for Africa: Joint elements paper for the regional consultation on financing for development
- ECLAC: Financing for development in Latin America and the Caribbean: A strategic analysis from a middle-income country perspective in and
- OECD-DAC High-Level Meeting (16 December 2014): Final Communiqué in and in
- Declaration of the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation
- Suggested Revisions by CSO FfD Group on Revised Draft - 18 May 15
- — also available in and
- CIDSE: Briefing note on the structure of the Third FFD Conference Outcome Document
- ACT Alliance: Position on sustainable development finance towards a post-2015 agenda
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- Global Taskforce on Local and Regional Governments: Financing Urban and Local Development: the Missing Link in Sustainable Development Finance
- GTF2016: Financing Local and Regional Governments
- Informal summary of special event on “Mobilizing local finance to implement the Post-2015 Development Agenda”
- Position of local authorities on the revised draft outcome document