
Independent Assessment of the IAF

Assessment background

At its tenth session, held on 8-19 April 2013, the 缅北禁地Forum on Forests (UNFF) adopted a resolution that decided that an independent assessment of the International Arrangement on Forests should be conducted as a part of the intersessional preparatory activities for the review of the international arrangement on forests (IAF) at the eleventh session of the Forum in May 2015.

The Independent Assessment Team comprises five independent experts who will write a report from the perspective of their regions. In addition, the UNFF11 Bureau appointed two Co-Facilitators to facilitate the team of consultants, to collate the regional perspectives into a consolidated final output. The advance unedited version of the independent assessment report became available in September 2014. The report has served as input to discussions at the second meeting of open-ended intergovernmental Ad Hoc Expert Group on the International Arrangement on Forests, which was held in January 2015, in UNHQ, NY.

Assessment timeline



Reference Documentation

  • Report of the first meeting of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Ad Hoc Expert Group on the International Arrangement on Forests E/CN.18/2015/10 [ | | | | | ]
  • Report on the tenth session (E/CN.18/2013/18) [ | | | | | ]