
Article 25(b)(i)

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The former staff member appealed and UNAT considered whether he could compel UNICEF to pay to the Fund its contribution without making the corresponding contribution himself. UNAT found that, as the former staff member’s secondment was with the World Bank, he should have availed himself of the provisions of Article 13 of the UNJSPF Regulations relating to the transfer of pension rights and he failed to do so. Under these circumstances, UNAT noted that if the former staff member made his own contribution to the Fund, UNICEF would have been duty-bound to make its corresponding contribution...

Management evaluation of the decision concerning Applicant's share of contribution for medical insurance not filed within the statutory deadline. Consequently, this part of the application is not receivable ratione materiae. Application is receivable concerning the decision concerning the Applicant's share of contribution for the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF). Art. 25.b)i) of the UNJSPF Regulations clearly provides that contributions during SLWOP are paid either 1) in full by the staff member, 2) in full by the employing Organization or 3) partly by the staff member and...