If all candidates are treated in the same manner, there is no discrimination. The candidates for the job opening were treated equally with regard to the notice given to scheduling of interviews and taking of the written assessment. This may not have been ideal and represents poor managerial practice, but without evidence in support of any ulterior motive or how the failure to give the five working days’ notice prejudiced the Applicant, the Tribunal does not find that this failure amounted to discrimination per se (see Lennard UNDT/2014/044, at paras. 34 to 37). The definition of an “assessment...
The Tribunal finds it noteworthy that in relation to functional delegation of authority, the person in whom authority is vested by virtue of his/her position/function has the power to delegate that authority. However, such delegation does not equate to the delegator definitively ridding himself/herself of the powers and authority that he or she delegates. Legally, a delegator continues to maintain the powers and authority that he or she has delegated, and such delegation is thus revocable at any time. Therefore, both parties’ arguments that the USG/OIOS could or should have “surrendered” her...
The Tribunal dismissed the application as not receivable. The Tribunal found that the Applicant was a staff member of UNRWA and contested a decision that was taken by that agency. UNRWA did not fall under the jurisdiction of the UNDT nor did the Applicant fulfil the requirements of arts. 2.1(a) and 3 of the Statute of the UNDT. He therefore had no locus standi to challenge a decision of UNRWA before the Tribunal.
Receivability; The application is receivable ratione personae. After accepting the offer of employment, the Applicant effectively started to perform the functions of Senior Economic Affairs; Officer, ECE, on 1 May 2017. The Organization thus treated him like a staff member, although he was not eligible to apply and be selected for the position and no letter of appointment was signed. As a result, the Applicant is legitimately entitled to rights similar to those afforded to staff members, for the purpose of being granted access to the internal justice system of the United Nations.; Merits; The...
The reasons given by the Administration to cancel the selection process are rational, reasonable and supported by the record. The cancellation of the vacancy announcement was based on organizational and budgetary reasons. The staff member who had a lien on the post did return to her post. The Applicant presented no arguments of substance to call into question the lawfulness of the decision to cancel the selection process. The Applicant’s candidacy was afforded full and fair consideration and it was within the reasonable discretion of the Organization to cancel the temporary position.
Nowhere in the UNHCR Policy is using interviews or written test to appraise the competencies and/or qualification of job candidates prohibited or even as much as discouraged. Rather, interviews are mandatory when “the appointment of an external candidate is being considered” as it is stated that in such circumstances “the applicants (external and internal) selected by the manager will be interviewed” (emphasis added). It is further stated that a “[w]ritten test may be required” (see sec. 71). The fact that the UNHCR policies make no specific stipulations about whether skills, competencies and...
Receivability The contested decision, i.e., the decision taken by the Director, ID, OIOS, not to rearrange the Applicant’s reporting lines is an administrative decision. In fact, reporting lines relate directly to the core of the employee-employer relationship and have an impact not only on the daily functions that the staff member performs but, also, on its evaluation and future career prospects. Hierarchy and reporting lines are an essential part of a complex normative framework for performance management, namely ST/AI/2010/5, and impact directly the staff member’s terms of employment...
The changes in the composition of the assessment panel constituted a procedural error. The choice was left to the hiring manager between different assessment methods. As the Applicant was shortlisted for the competency-based interview, she suffered no prejudice from the absence of a written test. The Applicant disagreed with the evaluation method elected by the Administration but failed to show that the Administration exceeded its discretion in this respect. It could not be concluded that the Applicant would have obtained a different result had the composition of the panel been the same for...
Merits: The evaluation criteria in the comparative review matrix on record, against which the suitability of job candidates was appraised, did not correspond to the mandatory and desirable/advantageous qualifications, and in light of these anomalies alone, the Respondent failed to minimally demonstrate that the Applicant received full and fair consideration. Considering that the documents on record do not include any specific analysis with supporting documentation as to how the selected male candidate’s qualifications were clearly superior vis-à-vis the Applicant, the Applicant has proved...
The Tribunal found that the main issues for determination in this matter were 1) whether a temporary job opening limited to “local recruitment only” is lawful, and 2) if the Applicant’s candidature was given full and fair consideration. On the first issue, the Tribunal found that the Respondent’s argument that pursuant to section 1.1 of ST/AI/2010/4 Rev.1 (Administration of temporary appointments) the Organization may limit temporary job openings to local recruitment cannot stand. It also found that there were no legal grounds for the Respondent’s assertion that limiting temporary recruitments...