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As a preliminary matter, UNAT denied the Appellant’s application to file a reply to the Secretary-General’s answer and her motion to file additional evidence. On the issue of redaction, UNAT held that the Appellant’s concerns were unfounded because the judgments referenced her professional profile only in a general way and did not detail the confidential matters raised by the Appellant in her submission. UNAT agreed with the findings of UNDT that the previous judgment with the Appellant’s name as written had already been in the public domain for a long time and no useful purpose would be...

The Secretary-General appealed the UNDT judgment as it related to the non-renewal decision only. UNAT held that a shifting onus of proof was appropriate where the non-renewal decision was based on a lack of funds. UNAT found nothing objectionable with the UNDT’s reference to the burden or onus of proof resting with the Secretary-General in the circumstances of the case. UNAT held that UNDT did not err in concluding that the Secretary-General failed to establish by evidence that the financial situation of the Ãå±±½ûµØbody which had engaged Ms Loose at the time of the separation was still...

UNAT considered an appeal by the Secretary-General. UNAT held that UNDT was correct in its finding that the decision to terminate the Appellant’s continuing appointment was unlawful as its purported basis (insufficient funds) did not exist. UNAT held that it was not necessary for it to deal with the issue of whether UNDT erred in its finding that the Administration failed to comply with its obligation of retention. UNAT held that the abolition of the post due to financial reasons did not subsist for judicial review. On the Secretary-General’s argument that UNDT had erred in finding Mr Nugroho...

Finality of disputes: The desirability of finality of disputes in proceedings requires that a party should be able to raise a valid defence of res judicata, which provides that a matter between the same persons, involving the same cause of action, may not be adjudicated twice. Res judicata: Once a matter has been determined, parties should not be able to re-litigate the same issue. An issue, broadly speaking, is a matter of fact or question of law in a dispute between two or more parties which a court is called upon to decide and pronounce itself on in its judgment. The object of the res...

Non-renewal of the Applicant’s FTA Given the financial situation, the Tribunal finds that the challenged decision is not ultra vires, being for the administration to evaluate the opportunity to renew temporary contracts according to the financial situation of that time. The lawfulness of the non-renewal decision must be evaluated with reference to the situation of the moment in which the decision was taken. However, in presence of a contract whose effects remain for a longer period, and which do not require non-renewal notices, the reason constituting the ground of the administrative decision...

The Tribunal is aware that one thing is a budgetary provision, although assessed as operational, and that another thing is the concrete ed effective availability of the funds to be used to cover staff costs. In this case, however, the Respondent, who bears on this issue the burden to prove the specific and concrete financial situation, gave no evidence about the alleged cash problems or inconsistency of the budget. The decision by the Organization to terminate the Applicant’s continuing appointment is therefore not justified and unlawful. Furthermore, the decision was not preceded by the due...