
PSF Thematic Areas

The Private Sector Forum will focus on five themes:

  1. Sustainable Energy
  2. Agriculture and Rural Development
  3. Connectivity
  4. Climate Change
  5. Sustainable Tourism

These 5 themes will be explored through the potential of LDCs as well as with the perspective of partnerships with the private sector in order to invest in and develop these sectors.

The sustainable energy topic will tackle the energy access deficits which remain very important in LDCs as well as potential solutions, centered around renewables and off-grid sources of energy, to solve them as climate change and remote populations are two crucial issues which need to be considered.

The agriculture and rural development theme will be about bringing sustainable and market-oriented farming techniques in order to change the food system and lead to economic development and environmental protection as LDCs are currently experiencing important stress regarding food supplies.

The connectivity discussion will look at the digitalization of the LDCs and its three dimensions which are the availability, the accessibility, and the skills and therefore what should be done in collaboration with the private sector to strengthen the broadband access.

Regarding climate change, which is disproportionately affecting LDCs, the focus will be on ways to increase development finance towards LDCs.

Finally, the sustainable tourism theme will allow participants to promote private sector participation and investment in this sector as it can be a leading socio-economic driver for LDCs.