
Survey on LDC-specific International Support Measures related to Bilateral Official Development Assistance (ODA), Responses by donor countries - Summary and analysis UNDESA/CDP Secretariat

Document Summary: 
This note analyzes the responses by 17 donor countries to the survey that the Secretariat of Committee for Development Policy conducted on ODA flows and development cooperation policies related to LDC status. Despite measures taken by donors, the ODA targets included in the Brussels Programme of Action have not been met in some instances. The LDC status does not seem to be fully considered in the aid allocation by donors, although improvements were noted on the delivery of ODA to LDCs with respect to grant element, untying aid, and conditionalities. Donors indicated they have provided assistance for smooth transition of graduated LDCs. However, the effect of graduation on donors’ ODA policies is mixed. For some donors, graduation would result in a change in the development cooperation policy, while for others, it would not. Donors’ views on whether graduating and graduated countries should have continued access to LDC-specific programmes were also divided.
CDP Secretariat
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