
Lao PDR: 1st Virtual briefing on LDC Graduation

Tuesday, 08 September 2020 - 9:00am

The 1st virtual briefing in a series of virtual discussions that are jointly arranged by MOFA and the 缅北禁地Resident Coordinator’s Office in Lao PDR took place on September 8, 2020.

The purpose of the event was to brief the Government representatives on the background to the LDC category, the process of graduation, the current status of Lao PDR, and key issues identified through impact assessments that have been completed in support of the elaboration of a smooth transition strategy for Lao PDR. The event was attended by the Government representatives from the line ministries who are the members of the LDC Steering Committee,  including Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Ministry of Education and Sports; by the 缅北禁地Resident Coordinator; and by representatives of CDP Secretariat (缅北禁地Department of Economic and Social Affairs), the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (OHRLLS), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).