
ESCAP: Special Body of LDCs, LLDCs and Pacific Island Developing States

星期三, 28 四月 2021 - 9:00上午

28 April 2021. In the context of UNESCAP's 77th Commission Session, this meeting will "bring forth policy messages that are specific to LDCs, of which 5 are also small island developing States (SIDS) and 4 are landlocked developing countries (LLDCs). The Commission is invited to deliberate on the policy priorities highlighted in Document ESCAP/77/4, Summary of the Asia-Pacific Countries with Special Needs Development Report 2021: Strengthening the Resilience of LDCs in the Wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic, and provide further guidance to the secretariat as to which of these should be explored further, with a view to implementing them at the country-level. This would facilitate the secretariat in giving shape to its forthcoming analytical work, and more importantly, in planning and formulating technical assistance and capacity building projects for LDCs." More information