
Accelerating the Low-Carbon Transition Through Sustainable and Inclusive Trade

??????, 10 November 2022 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm

Trade plays an integral role in enabling  the low carbon transition. In this event a high-level expert panel will discuss how sustainable trade can be facilitated to accelerate the low-carbon transition, with a focus on small businesses in developing countries, particularly LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS.  

Trade plays an integral role in enabling the low carbon transition, supporting the private sector in developing economies to build climate resilience, reduce carbon emissions and gain a competitive advantage. This in turn contributes to bolster food security and livelihoods and ultimately governments’ priorities for economic and social development. 

Small businesses need support to cope with the impact of climate change. This includes clearer, internationally aligned standards, transparency mechanisms and investment to access green technologies and to participate in low-carbon value chains. With the right incentives, including intellectual property rights, small businesses can play a key role in lowering emissions, thus raising NDC ambitions. 

Actors in the trade and environment communities need to work together to reduce barriers to trade in climate-related goods and services, optimising low-carbon value chains, greening trade agreements and boosting  opportunities of a low-carbon economy. 

Bringing together a high-level expert panel, the event will address: 

  • Barriers and opportunities for greening value chains and enhancing small businesses’ climate competitiveness in developing countries, particularly LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS. 

  • Policy and industry triggers to foster developing countries’ participation in sustainable trade.  

  • "Win-win" trade facilitation pathways to reduce carbon emissions, greening logistics and meet adaptation needs through access to technology, finance and innovation.