
Final Report: Promising Sectors for Economic Transformation of Small Island Developing States

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are some of the most vulnerable economies in the world. The United Nations (UN) recognises 39 sovereign states and 18 dependent territories that are classified as SIDS. The vulnerabilities extend to external shocks, excessive dependence on international trade due to high trade openness, susceptibility to natural disasters, remoteness from major markets, and limited natural resources, among others. Climate change, and especially the associated global warming and sea level rise are major threats to the SIDS. Despite significant variation in economic performance across SIDS, ranging from some of the least developed countries like Comoros to high income countries like Singapore, all SIDS share similar sustainable development challenges.

With the preceding in mind, this report was developed to provide an overall assessment of the trade performance of the SIDS, with specific attention to promising sectors in the SIDS within the blue economy, cosmetics production, e-commerce, as well as sustainable and inclusive tourism, since the adoption of the SAMOA Pathway in 2014. An assessment of developments in the sectors was undertaken with the view to provide practical policy recommendations that will be considered in preparation for the fourth International Conference on SIDS in 2024.

Download the full report here.