
Guide: Small Island Developing States National Focal Points

National Focal Points (NFPs) facilitate the strengthening of coherence and coordination at the national, regional and global levels on SIDS-related issues and foster peer-learning and exchange of best practices on the implementation and follow up of the SAMOA Pathway, the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, the SDGs and other global frameworks in the context of COVID-19 and the need to “build back better”.

This guide assists NFPs in understanding and carrying out their respective roles and responsibilities. It seeks to provide a greater understanding of the Terms of Reference (TOR) as adopted at the Second NFP Meeting held in Praia, Cabo Verde, on 25 – 26 July 2019.

It includes an elaboration of the TORs, provides selected resources that can be of use to NFPs in carrying out their work, including but not limited to curated websites and links to information sources related to SIDS issues drawn largely from the sixteen (16) dimensions of the SAMOA Pathway and Mid-term Review outcome document.

The guide is also meant to be an invaluable resource for newly nominated SIDS NFPs, including alternate NFPs, as well as to national networks that support the focal point(s). While this guide intends to provide as much information as possible, it is essential for NFPs to contextualize their key responsibilities to best fit their country’s unique needs.


NFP Guide