
Opening Remarks at the Online Briefing Session on Sea-Level Rise and Maritime Boundaries in the Pacific

Opening Statement by Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa‘Utoikamanu, High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States

2 July 2020 
New York, USA

Ladies and gentlemen,

I welcome you to our online briefing session. 

We are here together in the follow up  to an expert workshop OHRLLS organized last year together with DPPA on “Climate change, conflict prevention and sustainable peace. Perspectives from the Pacific”. The workshop was made possible with the support of the Permanent Mission of Nauru and the Permanent Mission of New Zealand.

I am genuinely delighted that today’s event reflects the continuation of the partnership with DPPA, together with the Pacific Island Forum Chair and the Office of Legal Affairs.

A big thank you to all our partners for your steady collaboration. 

It is this kind of collaborations and partnership that can  advance the Secretary-General’s vision of the 缅北禁地working more effectively together on interconnected issues.

Today’s  briefing covers two vital issues , two interconnected issues for SIDS:  sea level rise due to climate change and maritime boundaries.

Allow me to repeat once more a key fact: SIDS may be small but are big ocean countries!

SIDS face a common threat from climate change and atoll nations are at especially high risk from sea-level rise.

Maritime boundaries, including their Exclusive Economic Zones, are of critical importance to so many facets of SIDS livelihoods .

The issues range from  economies, to marine resource management including mining and fisheries  and jurisdiction and tourism, to mention but a few.

Members of the Pacific Islands Forum have made important progress in depositing information related to their maritime boundaries with OLA, as well as on regional efforts.

Today’s  meeting is about providing a platform to bring together the PIF and the different sub-regions of the AOSIS to share information and experience on approaches, challenges and success stories.

We have several technical experts with us to answer any questions as needed.

I hope together we can advance today on our common objectives and address the broader multi-faceted threats of climate change.

Thank you.