
Access and Security

General considerations

  • Access to the United Nations complex during the high-level meetings will be restricted to delegates and their staff; staff members of the United Nations Secretariat and of the funds, programmes and agencies of the United Nations system; accredited media; and affiliates who are issued a United Nations grounds pass. It should be noted that access to the United Nations will be denied to anyone who is not in the above-listed categories and who is not in possession of a valid grounds pass or special event ticket.

Access to the High-Level Meeting on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse

  • All United Nations staff who are invited to attend the High-Level Meeting are required to be in the possession of a special event ticket.
  • Members of civil society and non-governmental organizations who are invited to attend the High-Level Meeting are required to be in possession of government-issued photo identification and a special event ticket for the High-Level Meeting (with the specific meeting, date and time). Non-United Nations guests will be escorted by a United Nations staff member at 1:45 p.m. on 18 September from the access point on Second Avenue and 46th Street to the Trusteeship Council Chamber. In order to be escorted and receive the special event ticket all non-United Nations guests must have their government-issued photo identification ready.
  • In the Trusteeship Council Chamber, seating for Member States and all invited International Organizations will be limited to the principal plus one; seating for non-United Nations invited guests and invited United Nations officials does not include a plus one.??