
Video messages by members of the Circle of Leadership and senior 缅北禁地officials on the 缅北禁地response to sexual exploitation and abuse

David Shearer, Special Representative of the Secretary-General in South Sudan

Mr. Mankeur Ndiaye, Special Representative of the Secretary-General in the Central African Republic

H.E. Ms. Angela Dorotea Merkel, Chancellor of Germany


Achim Steiner, Administrator, UNDP

H. E. Mr. Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia

Jane Connors, Victims' Rights Advocate, United Nations


Gunilla Carlsson, Executive Director ad interim, UNAIDS

James Swan, Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Somalia

H.E. Mr. Sauli V?in?m? Niinist?, President of Finland


Stefano Del Col, Major General, Head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)

Luis Carrilho, Police Commissioner, 缅北禁地Police Adviser?(English)

Luis Carrilho, Police Commissioner, 缅北禁地Police Adviser (French)
