
Outreach and Awareness-raising

Outreach and awareness-raising are critical to the successful implementation and impact of the Regular Process and are pursued through a number of activities. In this regard, the secretariat of the Regular Process is involved in the establishment of partnerships with relevant stakeholders. The secretariat also undertakes outreach and awareness-raising initiatives including making Governments, intergovernmental organizations, the scientific community and the general public aware of the first World Ocean Assessment and the Regular Process. It also organizes briefings and side events, including for the launching of outputs of the Regular Process. Additionally, the secretariat gives presentations at intergovernmental and other meetings relevant to the mandate of the Regular Process and develops and distributes informational material.

National Focal Points for the Regular Process designated by States can facilitate outreach and awareness-raising as well as communication between the scientific community, the Group of Experts, the Pool of Experts, the Bureau and the secretariat.

The Co-Chairs and Bureau of the Ad Hoc Working Group, as well as relevant intergovernmental organizations, also engage in outreach and awareness-raising activities.


17 May 2023


15 May 2023

Register now: Regular Process workshop in Seychelles (31 Jul - 5 Aug 2023)