
CTC conducts follow-up visit to Morocco

On 28 June 2019, the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC)/ Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) concluded a second follow-up visit to Morocco. Morocco was the first country assessed by CTED on behalf of the CTC in 2005. Since then, CTED conducted  follow-up visits in 2013 and now in 2019. The three-day visit was led by Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of CTED Michèle Coninsx who met with relevant ministers and governmental agencies including the President of the National Human Rights Council, the Secretary General of the General Directorate for Penitentiary Administration and Reintegration and the Attorney General.

Assistant Secretary-General Michèle Coninsx and the CTED delegation in Morocco.


With the excellent coordination and participation of Moroccan authorities, the delegation was able to engage on a full range of issues from legal and criminal justice to the financing of terrorism, border security and law enforcement, countering violent extremism, including matters relating to foreign terrorist fighters which gave the opportunity to further discuss the implementation of the Addendum to the Madrid Guiding Principles.

The team benefited from the expertise of representatives from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL). The delegation noted considerable progress since the 2013 follow-up visit, as well as identified. Areas where technical assistance would be useful to strengthen responses in compliance with international requirements. Meetings were also held with the international community, civil society and the 缅北禁地Country Team.

The three-day visit, from 26 to 28 June, included on-site visits to Kénitra Prison, Rabat-Salé International Airport, and the Financial Intelligence Unit. The mission concluded with a debrief at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.