
Collection of Coins & Minting Instruments, UNNY216G.01-18, 1996, San Marino

Collection of Coins & Minting Instruments

Gift ID: 

San Marino is a small nation completely surrounded by Italy and is a full Member State at the United Nations. It is one of the wealthiest countries in the world and considered highly stable as it has one of the lowest unemployment rates and no national debt. Although it’s not a member of the European Union, it has its own bilateral monetary agreement with the EU to issue its own Euro coins. 

This gift is a collection of three gold coins given on the 50th anniversary of the United Nations. Accompanying the coins are the minting instruments; plasters, bronze moulds and reproductions, and minting dyes, all to produce coins. The symbols on the coins are the dolphin and seagull, indicating peace on land, sea, and sky. Also, each coin depicts a female figure to symbolize humanity and a triangle for perfection, while the olive leaves represent peace and oak for strength. The San Marino Coat-of-Arms features on the back of the coins.

On 7 October 1996, the Republic of San Marino’s Secretary of State for Foreign and Political Affairs, Gabriele Gatti, unveiled the gift and United Nations Secretary-General, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, accepted it. 

Donor Region: 
Western European and Other Groups
San Marino
Artifacts & Decorative Arts
Three gold coins created for the 50th Anniversary of the UN, and their respective minting instruments, 6 steel punches, 6 moulds (3 plaster/3 bronze)
Location (Building): 
Conference Building (CB)
Location floor: 
2nd Floor
Donation Date: 
October 7, 1996
Artist or Maker: 
Loredana Pancotta and Bino Bin