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Summary of national action plans and strategies  
for implementation of the Platform for Action

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The present background document has been prepared by DAW as an informal paper for the 42nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (March 1998). It contains summary information on national action plans and strategies for implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, as they have been submited to the Ãå±±½ûµØby 22 December 1997. It provides condensed information on each national action plan or strategy, the authors of the plan, the planning process and support activities to the preparatory process, and whether the plan was officially adopted. Advocacy and outreach activities related to the dissemination of the Platform for Action, national action plans or specific campaigns are included. The document provides an overview of the national critical areas of concern and selected activities as presented in the action plans. It also indicates institutional arrangements, and the allocation of national and international resources.


Member State: Algeria
Title: Summary of the most important measures taken in Algeria with a view to implement the recommendations of the Fourth World Conference on Women

Author of plan
Standing Committee under the Chairmanship of the woman Minister for national solidarity and the family; established by decision of the Head of Government.
The Committee comprises female and male representatives of the major ministerial departments in question and the national organizations active in the protection of women’s rights, as well as women prominent at the national level and known for their work in this field.


Planning process
The Standing Committee was established under the chairmanship of the woman Minister Responsible for National Solidarity and the Family along with four subcommittees: legal protection and policy; education, training and history; health, social affairs and development; information, communication and culture. The committee submitted a report on the status of women. Its task is to integrate a gender perspective into policies and plans.

Support for planning process
The National Women’s Council, reporting directly to the Head of Government and comprising members from Women’s Social Movement, experts in various fields and representatives from different government agencies provided support to the planning process.

The following outreach activities are mentioned: celebration of the International Day of Families; Iqra’ (“read”) society for literary outreach; Societies for the Protection of Rural Women; 70 Associations held workshops on the protection of women and promotion of their rights.

Critical areas of concern
The report refers to action in the following areas:
1. Economics: efforts to reach the disabled women through social and vocational integration.
2. Education: establish a supreme council on education.
3. Family: establish a national committee for the protection and promotion of the family.
4. Health: promote family planning and reproductive health, health at the workplace; assign doctors and experts to remote areas; introduce compulsory medical examinations before marriage.
5. Decision-making: policy, participation in administration, elected bodies, ministerial portfolios and diplomacy; ensuring political will;
6. Poor women: target rural women.
7. Communication: establish an agency where women can seek help and learn to defend their rights.

Institutional arrangements
The Standing Committee and the four subcommittees are responsible for implementation.

Allocation of national resources
Proposals to be programmed into the Finances Act of 1997. The National Solidarity Fund assists small cooperatives in traditional trades such as sewing, embroidery, agriculture and shopkeeping.

International resources/support

The report points to the need of revising or initiating legislation as needed in all or some of the critical areas

Additional report submitted:

  • Recommendations des ateliers sur la protection et la promotion de la femme
  • Plan d’Action National pour la Promotion de la Femme Decret noo 97 B 98 de mars 1997 portant creation du Conseil National de la Femme

Member State: Angola
Abril 97

Author of plan

Council of Ministers
1 September 1997

Planning process

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
1. Participation of women in the peace process
2. Women and poverty
3. Education and training of women
4. Health
5. Culture, family and socialization
6. Environment and natural resources
7. Political emancipation of women
8. Human rights and violence against women
9. Data disaggregated by sex
10. Information, communication and arts
11. The girl child

Institutional arrangements
The implementation of the national strategies is the responsibility of the Government.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support


Member State: Botswana
Title: National Plan of Action (draft)

Author of plan
Women's Affairs Division Department of Culture and Social Welfare Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs.

The plan is still in draft form.

Planning process
Botswana women were involved, through consultative meetings, in the identification and setting of priorities of the areas that are critical in the national context.

Support for planning process
The draft national plan of action is a result of close collaboration and consultation involving the public, women's non-governmental organizations and groups in general, the Social and Community Development Department, local authorities, other government departments, the National Preparatory Committee for the Fourth World Conference on Women and the Women's Affairs Division of the Department for Culture and Social Welfare, Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs.

A series of consultative meetings and national seminars were held in 1994 and 1995 on the Platform of Action to familiarize women in Botswana with critical areas of concern as outlined in the Platform for Action.

Critical areas of concern
1. Poverty: provide equal access to credit, target female-headed households, rural women, landownership and inheritance, restructure public expenditure to create opportunities.
2. Power and decision-making: political commitment, participation opportunities, include indigenous women.
3. Education and training: equal access, vocational training, science and technology, continuing education, non-discriminatory education, eliminate illiteracy, educational reforms, scholarships, gender-sensitive educational system, improve quality.
4. Health : affordable and accessible care, strengthen preventive care, focus on STDs, maternal and child health, family planning; disseminate information, integrate mental health into primary-health care, promote breastfeeding, research.
5. The girl child: eliminate discrimination, counter stereotypes, improve health and nutrition, take measures to eliminate child labour, negative cultural attitudes and practices, ensure access to education, target disabled girl child.
6. Violence: integrated measures, study the causes including the effects of armed conflict.

Institutional arrangements
It is indicated that further consultations on the National Action Plan reviewed existing structures that could be used and those that needed to be established or further developed in order to create a framework for the implementation process.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support
The report considers assistance from multilateral development organizations a necessity to upgrade the education system.
The national action plan describes the current situation in Botswana and outlines strategies and actions in critical areas of concern.

Revising legislation and collecting data disaggregated by sex are themes that run throughout the report and are relevant to all critical areas.

Member State: Burkina Faso
Title: Plan d'action national de suivi de la mise en oeuvre des conclusions et recommandations de la quatrième conférence mondiale sur les femmes à Beijing

Author of plan
Ministère de l'Action Sociale et de la Famille, Secrétariat Général, Direction de la Promotion de la Famille

July 1997

The plan defines short, medium and long term activities and the actors responsible, differentiating between common activities and activities related to specific sectors.


Planning process
A national follow-up committee consists of 50 representatives from ministerial departments, NGOs, civil society and experts. Information meetings took place involving local community groups in Burkina Faso.

Support for planning process
In the follow-up process, a permanent office for implementing the Platform for Action was set up. The office is the executive organ of the Committee, which includes ten commissions.

After the Fifth African Conference in Dakar , (November 1994), the Ministry of Social Action and the Family undertook awareness raising activities in conjunction with other decentralized government entities, NGOs and women's associations.

Critical areas of concern
1. Education and training: ensure equal access, eliminate illiteracy, improve vocational training, promote continuing education, remove discriminatory practices from teaching.
2. Health: improve access to health services and prevention, initiatives against STDs and HIV/AIDS, promote research.
3. Poverty and employment: revise and adopt macro-economic policies, revise legislation, access to savings and credit; provide access to employment, national/international markets, strengthen commercial networks of women. 4. Human rights of women: remove discrimination, respect CEDAW convention,. legal literacy.
5. Girl- child: eliminate violence and discrimination in education and health.
6. Violence: eliminate violence, study its causes and consequences, eliminate trafficking of women and forced prostitution.
7. Decision-making: provide access to decision-making positions.
8. Environment and housing: ensure women's participation in environmental decisions, access to hosing and property, training of women in housing construction.
9. Media: combat stereotypes.
10. Armed conflict: promote non-violence.

Institutional arrangements
The Ministry of Social Action and the Family is responsible for the coordination of programmes for the promotion of women and families, as well as for preparing a national report on the situation of women in Burkina Faso.
The Ministry of Social Action and the Family created a National Committee to follow the conclusions and recommendations of the conference. This Committee is responsible for creating a strategy for the application of the conclusions, and writing a report every six months to be given to the Head of State.

Allocation of national resources
There is reference to the mobilisation of resources, but no further details are provided.

International resources/support
Under the critical areas of concern "employment", one activity is the recruitment of women into international organizations.

Additional reply received:
A letter submitted by the Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso to the United Nations on 30 August 1997 includes information on the institutional framework for the advancement of women and the development of a National Action Plan.

Revising legislation and collecting data disaggregated by sex are themes that run throughout the report and are relevant to all critical areas.

Member State: Congo
Title: Politique en matière d'intégration de la femme au développement

Author of plan
The Ministry for the Integration of Women in Development, Cabinet.

The draft plan was adopted in June 1997 at a national UNDP seminar.

Planning process
This document emerged from a series of meetings at the national level through the National Forum on Women.

Support for planning process
The Government of the Republic of the Congo.

Diffusion of information, seminars, mobilization campaigns.

Critical areas of concern
The Congo's plan is divided into three parts. The first presents the foundation and justification for the integration of women in development policy, the second part analyses the actual situation of Congolese women in order to identify priority areas, and the third part proposes general objectives and concrete actions.
Global strategies include developing women's economic potential so that they obtain economic power and participate in the development process; improve conditions and the quality of life of Congolese women; protect the rights of women and the girl child and eliminate all forms of discrimination and stereotypes; and improve the management and capacity of institutional mechanisms on all levels to intervene on the behalf of women.
Sectoral objectives encompass:
1. Legal statutes;
2. Agriculture;
3. Employment in the formal sector; employment ;
4. Informal sector;
5. Health;
6. Education;
7. Water, environment and sanitation;
8. Institutional mechanisms.

Institutional arrangements
1. The Ministry of the Integration of Women in Development is charged with promoting national women's policy, monitoring programmes and policy related to women in various government ministries, promoting international, inter- and intra-regional cooperation, and diffusing information about the role of women and women's contribution to development.
2. The Department for Support and Assistance and the Department for Regional Action are charged with coordinating activities. Technical ministries, within their respective domains, support sectoral programmes, as well as their follow-up and evaluation.
3. NGOs are responsible for awareness raising and mobilization.
4. The democratic opening of 1990 led to the creation of various NGOs and women's associations. According to the document, these entities suffer from a lack of ability to manage, develop and monitor projects because of the socio-economic context and their inexperience. Partnerships between NGOs, the State and other parties should be forged.

Allocation of national resources
At least 20 per cent of the national budget should be allocated to social spending, with a portion reserved specifically for the advancement of women.

International resources/support
The United Nations has provided assistance to women's projects, yet their impact has been limited. According to the draft national action plan, the Congo requires improved capacity building at the national level.

UNDP, UNICEF, FAO, FNUAP, WHO and UNESCO have provided funding for women's projects. Bilateral support has been provided by France, the United States, Germany and the European Economic Community.

Integrating women in development was part of the country's Economic and Social Plan (1990-1994).

The Constitution of 15 March 1992 stipulates that the State should be engaged in the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, protect the civil and political rights of women, and provide equal opportunity in employment, education and in legal affairs.

Member State: Egypt
Title: Letter from the Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the United Nations

Author of plan
The Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt informed in a letter dated 17 September 1996 about the Second National Conference on Egyptian Women, organized by the National Commission for Women, in coordination with the National Council for Childhood, Motherhood.


Planning process
The Second National Conference on Egyptian Women of 1996 concentrated on formulating policies for the advancement of women and social development in the context of the preparations of the fourth five-year plan for economic and social development (1997-2002).

Support for planning process
The Council of Ministers was invited to study proposals that came out of the Second National Conference on Egyptian Women and translate them into programmes and projects.


Critical areas of concern
The letter describes the recommendations adopted at the conference:
1. Legislation: review of all legislation relating to women, eliminate conflicting provisions, ensure implementation of existing laws, legal literacy.
2. Economic participation: employment, policies., make women effective in raising the productivity of Egyptian society.
3. Participation in public life: ensure participation of women in all projects and programmes, in dealing with issues of drug addiction, fanaticism and terrorism, population explosion.
4. Education: eradicate illiteracy, increase admittance rates for girls, construct more schools, target children with special needs, revise stereotypied views, provide kindergarten facilities.
5. Women's rights and duties: provide information in schools, enhance image of women, generate awareness of rights.
6. Health: target all stages of life, disease prevention..
7. Social status of women: special emphasis to target remote villages and hamlets.

Institutional arrangements
Implementation through the cooperation of the different government departments, agencies and People's Assemblies and through effective participation by women themselves.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support


Member State: Ghana
Title: Ghana Draft Plan of Action

Author of plan


Planning process
The draft 15 year plan covers strategies, target and responsible organization.

Support for planning process

A number of committees were set up immediately after the World Conference, including an affirmative action committee, a committee to prepare draft for cabinet on Platform for Action, a committee on media dissemination and a Planning Committee for the Second Accra Consultative meeting. A national CEDAW Subcommittee has been formed to monitor the implementation of the Convention and the implementation of affirmative action.

Critical areas of concern
1. Participation at decision-making levels
2. Economic structures
3. Poverty
4. Peace
5. Women’s rights
6. Violence against women
7. Mechanisms at all levels to promote the advancement of women
8. Women and Media
9. Education
10. The Girl-Child
11. Health
12. Environment

Institutional arrangements
The Government will have to approve the restructuring document to allow for the revitalisation of the National Council on Women and Development, which urgently needs human and material resources at district, regional and national level.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support
Post Beijing outreach activities in urban poor communities are funded by UNFPA. Income generating activities with micro credit (donor input) are organized in various regions.

The Draft Plan of Action defines target dates for actions to be carried out and identifies the actors responsible. It also contains information on Post Beijing activities.

Member State: Guinea
Title: Plan d'action pour la promotion des femmes 1997-2001

Author of plan
Ministry of Social Affairs, Advancement of Women and Childhood.


Planning process
The national action plan is part of the national plan for human development until the year 2000

Support for planning process

Information and awareness raising campaigns are considered priority activities.

Critical areas of concern
The plan covers six strategic areas:
1. Improve the legal framework
2. Institutional strengthening
3. Reinforcing the role of women in family, social and cultural life and improve their status
4. Economic advancement of women
The Ministry of Social Affairs, Advancement of Women and Childhood has selected six critical areas of concern corresponding to the sectoral policies of the future national programme for sustainable development:
1. Legislation and decision-making: ensure enjoyment of human rights and participation in public life, promote legal literacy through distribution of legal texts, apply sanctions in use of violence against women, increase the number of women in decision-making.
2. Education: ensure education of the girl child, eradicate illiteracy, provide vocational training, involve women in technology and science.
3. Health: improve access to health care, reduce maternal and infant mortality and morbidity, combat malnutrition, STD/AIDS and traditional practices affecting mother and child, introduce modern methods of family planning,
4. Economy: reduce poverty and reinforce economic roles, facilitate access to markets for rural women, establish credit lines and funds for supporting women's economic activities, improve the productivity of rural women by providing access to means of production, mobilize local savings, encourage establishment of non-governmental organizations.
5. Environment: ensure participation in management of natural resources, involve women in decision-making, combat bush fires, promote reforestation, access to safe water, raise awareness on environment protection.
6: Institutional mechanism

Institutional arrangements
The plan suggest the strengthening of the national machinery for the advancement of women, improvement of its training capacity and interventions in civil society.

Allocation of national resources
The costs of implementing the plan are estimated at USD 23,533,778 for the period 1997-2001, with the following break down of costs: 52 per cent for economy, 20 per cent for institutional strengthening, 16 per cent for improving the legal framework and 12 per cent for reinforcing the role of women in family, social and cultural life and improving their status.

International resources/support

The plan covers all critical areas of the Dakar Platform for Action and the Beijing Platform for Action.

Member State: Kenya
Title: Platform for Action, August 1997
Improving the welfare of women in Kenya

Author of plan
Women’s Bureau in the Ministry of Home Affairs, National Heritage, Culture and Social Services


Planning process
Women’s Bureau worked on the Kenyan domesticated version of the Platform taking into consideration national priorities as contained in the National Development Plan and Draft Sessional Paper: National Policy on Gender and Development. In an effort to step up gender sensitization at the district level, district specific action plans were formulated.

Support for planning process
The Women’s Ministry has been in the forefront in disseminating actions agreed upon in the Beijing Platform for Action and in sensitizing relevant target groups on gender issues affecting the advancement of women, including through gender sensitisation seminars for key government Ministries, senior Government officials, sectoral and district development planners and statisticians and social development officers.


Critical areas of concern
1. Women and Poverty
2. Women and Health
3. Women and the Economy
4. Women and the Media
5. Women and armed conflict
6. Violence against women
7. Human rights of women
8. Women in science and technology
9. Education and training of women
10. The girl child
11. Women and the environment
12. Culture, religion, family and socialization

Institutional arrangements
Gender Management Systems consisting of the Unity of Gender Issues, NGOs and the private sector have been established to coordinate, monitor and assess progress of advancement of women within the framework of a coordinated follow-up to and implementation of national and international instruments from a gender perspective. The Women’s bureau is the catalyst in this process.

The Government is committed to the mainstreaming of gender issues in development. The 8th National Development Plan and the Draft Policy Paper on Gender and Development articulate the need to achieve gender equity in development. The recently launched Draft National Policy Paper on Gender Equity for Sustainable Development proposes affirmative action which will ensure that women constitute a third of the parliamentarians, commissions and any other forum.

Allocation of national resources
The plan includes detailed costing for each activity under each strategic objective.

International resources/support

The plan includes an annex on the implementation of the outcome of the Fourth World Conference on Women.

Member State: Mali
Title: Plan d’action pour la promotion des femmes 1996-2000

Author of plan
The Office for the Promotion of Women.


Planning process

Support for planning process

National forums, workshops, women’s libraries, research, literacy centres.

Critical areas of concern
Mali’s National Action Plan covers the 1996-2000 period and addresses the following critical areas:
  1. Education: increase school enrollment and literacy rates by 20 per cent.
  2. Health: create a socio-cultural environment that is supportive of reproductive services.
  3. Women’s rights: guarantee equality before the law for women, protect women living within situations of armed conflict, take concerted measures to eliminate violence against women.
  4. Public life: increase women’s participation in national and international public life.
  5. Economy: facilitate women’s access to credit, develop women entrepreneurs.
  6. Environment: support the contribution of women in the management of natural resources and strengthen their role in decision making.
  7. Institutional strengthening: strengthen the institutional capacity of departments that promote women, especially the Commissariat, and women’s groups.

The principal activities covered in the National Action Plan include: awareness raising; training; research; the construction and restoration of infrastructure; institutional and financial support to Departments and women’s groups that are responsible for women’s issues, the translation of texts that concern laws for women, providing technical support to the Office for the Promotion of Women, follow-up and evaluation of activities.

Institutional arrangements
  1. A detailed table of the delegation of institutional responsibilities is provided in the National Plan.
  2. The Office for the Promotion of Women provides advice on the condition of women and women’s policy to the Prime Minister. It is also the Office’s responsibility to raise awareness about women’s issues. The Office also supports activities undertaken by Ministries, NGOs and Associations.
  3. Approximately 400 women’s associations are active in Mali; 85 have created a coordinating structure known as the Coordination of women’s Non- Governmental Associations and Organizations. Most NGOs are organized within the CCA-NGO and SECO-NGO coordinating structures.
  4. The Office is charged with overseeing the following areas: coordination of general affairs, monitoring women’s NGO activities and government policy. Regional coordinators monitor and identify women’s issues at the respective level.

Allocation of national resources
  1. A detailed financial plan, delineating sectors and specific activities is included in the National Action Plan.
  2. The total cost of implementing the National Action Plan during 1996-2000 is estimated 11,135,678,000 fcfa, of which 3,326,303,550 fcfa will be financed internally. Two-thirds of these resources are derived from the national budget, while one-third comes from regional, local and community budgets.
  3. Education will comprise 32.1 per cent of the budget, while economic promotion will comprise 42.2 per cent. Institutional strengthening will account for 15.8 per cent. Support for health, the environment and women’s rights will comprise 5 per cent and 2.7 and 1.6 per cent respectively, while participation in public life will account for 0.9 per cent .

International resources/support
The women’s Project in Rural Areas, financed by UNESCO has facilitated concrete initiatives for the protection and restoration of the environment within various regions. UNICEF has provided financing for the Mali Health Project, which includes pre-natal health, vaccination, combatting diarrhoeal diseases as well as the development of sectoral health policy. This project was created to strengthen the SMI/PF project financed by UNFPA during the 1993-1997 period, at a cost of USD 1,000,000. UNICEF has also provided support for the implementation of potable water projects and small loans to women in marginal areas.

Mali’s Nation Action Plan was inspired by the Conventions ratified by the Government, sectoral action plans, the recommendations formulated in the course of a National women’s Forum and workshops on women’s policy, the African and the Beijing Platform for Action.

The report includes a descriptive part on the status of women in Mali. Additional documents submitted:

  • Plan d’action pour la promotion des demmes 1996-2000 (booklet Received October, 1998)

Member State: Morocco
Title: "Report on the Strategy of the High Commission for Disabled Persons for the Advancement of Disabled Women in Implementation of the Recommendations of the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing" and other documents

Author of plan
Prime Minister, High Commission for Disabled Persons.

This reports refers to the integration of disabled persons, women and girls, in reference to the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action.


Planning process

Support for planning process

The letter of the Permanent Mission to the United Nations refers to several follow-up activities: publication of CEDAW in French and Arabic; publications of all laws related to women; drafting of action plan to combat violence against women; study on violence against women; establishment of a data bank.

Critical areas of concern
1. Poverty: alleviation of poverty.
2. Education: establishment of talking libraries, publication of school textbooks in Braille, vocational training and provision of guidance and support, upgrading facilities.
3. Training: training of the disabled, integration into regular educational settings, training of the specialist trainers.
4. Occupational integration: sensitize companies in the public and private sector to integrate disabled women, improve working conditions, enforce laws, enforce job allocation, establish production units such as cooperatives, workshops that employ disabled women.
5. Health care services: take measures to secure preliminary and preventive examinations for mother and child, provide health education, family planning, introduce disability as a subject of study in the health profession, undertake research, promote awareness through media.

Institutional arrangements
The report only mentions the Ministry of Public Health endeavouring to come up with a health policy and measures to secure better health.

Allocation of national resources
The High Commission had allocated financial resources in 1995 and 1996 to certain associations involved in reception centres and training women and girls to facilitate their entry into the labour market.

International resources/support
The United Nations Development Programme, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Population Fund, the International Labour Organization have assisted the High Commission on Rehabilitation Programmes based in the local community which facilitates disabled persons' integration in securing social services, training, employment, therapeutic and preventive services, and prosthetic devices.

Additional replies/reports received:
- Letter from the Permanent Mission of Morocco to the United Nations dated 9 August 1996
- Letter from the Permanent Mission of Morocco to the United Nations dated 12 August 1996 containing:
"Dispositions qui seront prises par les départements Ministeriels dans le cadre des recommandations de la 4ème Conférence Mondiale sur les Femmes"
1) Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la mise en valeur agricole
2)Ministère de l'Education Nationale: Grandes lignes de la stratégie de d développement de la scolarisation en milieu rural,
3) Actions entreprises par le Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports
The three plans of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry for National Education and Ministry for Youth and Sports are sectoral plans which contain aspects related to the advancement of women.

Member State: Mozambique
Title: Government Plan of Action Post-Beijing 1997-2000

Author of plan
Government of Mozambique, 5 August 1997


Planning process
The Ministry for the Coordination of Social Action and the Operative Group are responsible for introducing gender issues in sectorial policies and in all the ministries.

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
1. Poverty and employment: provide employment opportunities including self- employment, revise national statistical procedure to include women's work in the informal sector, revise concept of poverty to include access to land, raise legal awareness, occupational health and protection, target rural areas, access to savings and credit.
2. Education and training: offer training opportunities for both girls and women, reduce gender gap in primary and secondary education, build and rehabilitate student houses and schools in rural areas, introduce flexible school times., target school drop outs, provide incentives for schooling.
3. Health: expand health network to include rural area; train midwives; raise awareness on health issues; increase coverage for vaccination; improve pregnancy care; mother and child health care programmes, family planning, counselling services; combat HIV/AIDS; promote research, training of health personnel.
4. Women's rights and violence: promote awareness, revise legislation, give free legal advice, provide access to courts, promote research on domestic violence, train judges; change discriminatory legislation i.e. penal code, family law, right to acquire and dispose of property, divorce, adoption, parental power, age of consent, research into various laws.
5. Power and decision- making and the media: introduce quotas in parliament and local government bodies; promote more participation and access, participation in media and access to new technologies.
6. Environment and agriculture: publicize gender relations in management of natural resources, promote women in decision making, develop agricultural credit policy.

Institutional arrangements
Responsible for Coordination and training: MICAS.

Defining indicators to measure progress: The Operational Group trained by MICAs.

Establishing a database with data disaggregated by sex: Ministry for the Coordination of Social Action, Centre for African Studies, Planning and Finance Ministry.

In addition, different ministries are responsible for the implementation in their own areas, i.e .Ministry of Environment Coordination for integrating a gender perspective into environment related programmes. Two or more ministries may work on one issue together.

Allocation of national resources
Under the strategic objective "institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women", the plan recommends that financial support, staff and equipment should be ensured in the Ministry for the Coordination of Social Action for dealing with questions related to children, women and the family.

International resources/support

The report gives an overview of the present situation of women in the Mozambique.

It provides details on action to be carried out under each strategic objective, names the body responsible for implementation and defines the time frame for action.

Member State: Niger
Title: Actions à mener pour l'année 1996 - Plan d'action quinquennal du suivie de Beijing

Author of plan
The Ministry of Social Development, Population and the Promotion of Women (MSDPPW).

A Committee was created within the Ministry of Social Development, Population and the Promotion of Women charged with following the recommendations that emerged from the IV World Conference on Women and raising awareness (Decree law no. 95-214 of 28 December 1995).

Planning process

Support for planning process

Conferences, seminars, radio programmes, research, re-examine discriminatory school materials, awareness raising campaigns, campaigns for parents of girls in rural areas about the importance of school.

Critical areas of concern
Niger's National Action Plan is composed of tables in which objectives, strategies, actions, time-frames, resources and indicators are labelled as headings. Among the objectives are:
1. Raise awareness about the recommendations that emerged from Beijing: diffuse the recommendations of the national action plan.
2. Improve the economic situation of women and eliminate poverty: apply macroeconomic policies that responds to the needs of women, revise legislation and administrative practices; establish cooperatives or women's groups and promote small and medium sized enterprises run by women.
3. Improve education and training : increase school enrolment levels for rural girls, improve literacy; give preference to women and young girls in literacy initiatives; diversify training for women; invigorate young women's interest in science and technology; encourage families to play a role in the education of their children.
4. Combat violence and the consequences of conflicts: provide assistance to refugee and displaced women and reintegrate them into the process of development, train women and men to combat violence.
5. Promote maternal health: reinforce family planning programmes; reinforce primary health care in rural areas, undertake research and collect statistics disaggregated by sex.
6. Legal literacy: educate women about their political rights.

Institutional arrangements
The Committee within the Ministry of Social Development, Population and the Promotion of Women is responsible for implementing the Platform for Action; defining strategies, objectives and priorities; and mobilizing resources. It is composed of the Minister of MSDPPW acting as President, and the Secretary-General of the MSDPPW acting as Vice President. Members of the Committee include focal points of the MSDPPW located within various technical Ministries, including a representative of an Agency for Bilateral or Multilateral Cooperation, and a representative of an NGO which deals with women or youth issues.

Allocation of national resources
The plan refers to open access to new forms of credit to women through popular savings accounts and banks for women.

It also mentions improved entrepreneurial opportunities for women through commercial exchange networks.

One of the strategies is to finance the activities of NGOs involved in educating women about their rights.

International resources/support

Additional reports received: 1. Decree No. 95 -214/PM.MDSP/PF portant création d'un comité du suivi de la mise en oeuvre des recommandations de la Conférence de Beijing sur les femmes
2. Note synthèse mise en oeuvre des recommendations de Beijing. This synthesized information note on implementation of the Platform for Action describes which activities have been carried out and the obstacles encountered.

Member State: Nigeria
Title: National Medium Term Action Plan for the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action 1995-2000

Author of plan
Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development (FMWASD).


Planning process

Support for planning process
The report thanks UNDP, all ministries, parastatals, universities, research institutes for the preparation of the document, acknowledging their input.


Critical areas of concern
1. Poverty: establish income generation activities, link formal banking sector, micro-credit initiatives, provide youth counselling and training initiatives, target women farmers, provide training on new skills for food processing, form trade groups.
2. Education : train female teachers, achieve computer literacy, introduce adult education, capacity building, establish girl's schools, provide scholarships for science and technology, basic primary education, recruit drop-outs, establish day care centres.
3. Health: reduce maternal mortality and morbidity by 50 per cent of 1990 level, provide vaccination, training of health workers, provision of infrastructure, improve health through functional literacy, nutrition, breast feeding, etc.
4. Violence: reduce violence by 80 per cent, address causes, eliminate trafficking.
5. Armed conflict: increase participation of women at the decision making levels, protect women in armed conflict, promote non-violent forms of conflict resolution, reduce excessive military budgets.
6. Economy: ensure equal access, maximise women's potential .
7. Power and decision-making: increase women's share in decision-making at local, state, and national levels; enforce accountability; collect statistics.
8. Human rights: offer legal advice, establish legal aid clinics, revise legislation, raise awareness through CEDAW workshops.
9. Media: increase women's involvement in media, create gender-sensitive programmes.
10. Environment: facilitate access to information, education and training, promote research, promote potable water
11. The Girl Child: raise minimum age for marriage, create opportunities for education, protect against economic and sexual exploitation etc.

Institutional arrangements
The FMWASD is the focal point for execution of the action plan, working in collaboration with different agencies on various projects. Different NGOs, the National Reform Commission, outside agencies and federal and state ministries (Commerce and Trade, Education, Health, Labour and Productivity, Agriculture, State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, State Ministry of Health, etc.) are responsible for implementation in various areas and figure as collaborating agencies under various objectives of the plan. There is no information on monitoring, and evaluation.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support
UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF are collaborating in the field of education and health.

Additional report submitted:
The Post-Beijing Workshop Series in Nigeria, a report of the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development

The national action plan gives a brief overview on the culture, economy and the demographic situation of women in Nigeria.

Member State: Senegal
November 1996

Author of plan
Ministry for Women, Children and Family


Planning process
Non-governmental organizations, governmental experts and partners for development have been involved in the preparation of the national plan making it a reflection of the concerns of the population.

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
1. Women and the economy and eliminating poverty
2. Education and training of women and girls
3. Health, including reproductive health
4. Human rights of women and girls and access to decision-making
5. National machinery : institutional and financial mechanisms

Under each critical area of concern, the plan gives an overview of existing barriers and defines the global and specific objectives, the various strategies and actions to be taken.

Institutional arrangements
The plan suggests to strengthen the technical and planning capacities of the national machinery for the advancement of women, to provide it with an appropriate budget and sufficient human and logistical resources.

Allocation of national resources
The plan includes a detailed budget of annual costs for the period 1997 - 2001, broken down by regions.

International resources/support


Member State: Sudan
Title: National Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women in Sudan for the Period 1998-2002

Author of plan
Ministry of Social Planning, September 1998


Planning process
Wide participation of experts and advocates of women’s advancement, women and men.

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
1. Poverty
2. Health
3. Education and Training
4. Environment
5. Human Rights
6. Economy
7. Armed conflict
8. Media
9. Violence
10. Decision-making
11. Sports (or Physical Education)
12. The girl child

Institutional arrangements
The implementation of the plan is the responsibility of the Government.

Allocation of national resources
For each critical area of concern, goals have been identified and and activities for each goal. A specific amount is to be allocated with its sources for each activity.

International resources/support
International resources and support are also mentioned for each activity.


Member State: Swaziland
Title: Gender and Women's Issues, Position paper and the Swaziland Platform for Action for Equality, Development and Peace

Author of plan
Swaziland Committee on Gender and Women's Affairs (SCOGWA) in the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Gender Sector Committee (GSC) of the National Development Strategy Development Programme, May 1996.

The study was commissioned by the Swaziland Government in 1994 as part of the National Development Strategy process. The draft report was presented in a series of workshops in 1996.


Planning process
SCOGWA and GSC prepared this document to be both a Position Paper and the Swaziland Platform for Action for Equality, Development and Peace. SCOGWA is the main technical coordinating body and works closely with GSC to ensure mainstreaming and establishing the necessary mechanisms. The report states that the lack of national policy was an obstacle to the development of a comprehensive national programme and the consolidation of the existing efforts.

Support for planning process
Comments from NGOs, the private sector, government and donor agencies, who attended the series of workshops, as well as from other individuals and organizations were incorporated into the final draft.


Critical areas of concern
1. Decision-making: participation, awareness of women's multiple roles and as leaders, training, information base on women in different sectors.
2. Poverty: focus on rural areas, promote informal sector, financial schemes, land/property rights.
3. Health: prevention, target life-cycle, HIV/AIDS.
4. Education: research, revise curricula, vocational training, science and technology.
5. Economic: labour saving technologies, participation and equality.
6. Violence: legal education, sensitize law enforcement agents, promote para-legal training, legal, medical and counselling for victims.
7. Media: awareness raising, training, promote non-stereotyping, use modern as well as traditional means of communication and training.
8. The girl child: revise polices, promote education, prevent child labour.
9. Culture, family and socialisation: information and education
10. Environment: participation in decision making.
11. Women's rights: revise legislation: customary law, civil, community of property and customary law under which women remain unequal to men.

Institutional arrangements
The report mentions the need for further strengthening SCOGWA in terms of resources and capacity in order to effectively coordinate. Future institutional capacity building should start with the strengthening of SCOWGA and culminate in the creation of a ministry responsible for women's advancement.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support
Funding for this report was provided by UNDP and technical assistance was given by UNFPA.

The report gives an in-depth analysis of the situation of women and the gender and development programme. It calls for integrating gender concerns not only into special offices but for mainstreaming gender throughout all sectors and policies. It also emphasizes that women still have a minority status by law. It calls for data collection disaggregated by sex in all of the critical areas and targets disabled women. The need for gender sensitization in all critical areas is stressed.

Member State: Tunisia
Title: Post-Beijing National Plan of Action 1997-2001

Author of plan
Ministry of Women and Family Affairs.


Planning process
The President promulgated a series of social measures in favour of women and children on 5 April 1996. A Commission on Women and Development has been set up in connection with preparations of the 8th (1991-1996) and 9th (1997-2001) development plans.

Support for planning process
The National Commission on "Women and Development" contributed to the preparing of the 9th plan (1997-2001).


Critical areas of concern
Tunisia's action plan falls within the framework of the 9th plan for economic and social development (1997-2001) and is based on the principles of equality and partnership and revitalizing the role of women in development. Seven key elements have been defined:
1. Strengthen economic potential: provide training, access to investment, financing, and facilities for launching new projects.
2. Combat poverty: protect women with specific needs, encourage small projects by women.
3. Strengthen the rights of women: encourage the development of an acceptance of partnership and equality between men and women, beginning in early childhood, eliminate all forms of discrimination, develop data banks, prepare training modules on women's rights.
4. Education and training: provide equal opportunities at all levels of education, , reduce illiteracy , promoting scientific, technical and vocational education; targeting: ages 15-25, rural areas, drop outs.
5. Protecting girls: provide education, integrate into vocational training systems, improve physical and mental state of girls during adolescence, target rural girls.
6. Confirm women's role in civic life: increase participation in public life.
7. Take concern for migrant women: reinforce social guidance, identify economic potential of emigrant women and encourage them to launch projects in Tunisia.
8. Promote partnership and international cooperation: encourage partnership between government structures and NGOs to achieve development.

Institutional arrangements
The Ministry of Women's and Family Affairs (MWFA) and the National Council on Women and Family were set up in 1992 and the Centre for Research, Studies and Documentation on Women (CREDIF) in 1990. MWFA disseminates information and evaluates projects.

Allocation of national resources
The National Solidarity Fund provides assistance for women's education and training.

International resources/support
The action plan attaches particular importance to international cooperation as a tool for mobilizing financial resources and exchanging experiences and knowledge within the framework of North-South and South-South cooperation.

On National Women's Day, 13 August 1992, the President announced measures which have led to broad legal amendments (the Code of Personal Status, the Labour Code, the Nationality Code, the Penal Code) and the establishment of institutional mechanisms to promote female human resources. This has confirmed the position of women as citizens.

Member State: Uganda
Title: Uganda Implementation Strategy for the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action

Author of plan
The Government of Uganda.


Planning process
A consultant has been identified to guide through the process of establishing the action plan which will involve wide consultations with different stake holders, including Government sectoral ministries, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector.

Support for planning process

Seminars to disseminate the Global Platform for Action have been organized, along with publicity through the mass media and drama by both Government and no-governmental organizations.

Critical areas of concern
Four critical areas of concern have been identifed in seminars:
1. Poverty, income generation and economic empowerment:
2. Reproductive health and rights: enhance adolescent reproductive life, provide reproductive counselling services to youth with special emphasis on female adolescents.
3. Legal framework and decision making: appoint women to constitutional and other bodies, on-going implementation of law reform.
4. The girl-child and education: consider safety and security issues, revise curriculum, diversify education models, promote vocational and technical training.

Institutional arrangements
It is the overall government policy to mainstream gender issues into the national development process in order to improve the social, legal, civic, political, economic and cultural conditions. Affirmative action which aims at redressing the gender imbalances created by history and customs is an integral part of this policy.
The report mentions various measures for capacity building which have been undertaken, including gender mainstreaming into the programmes and plans of different sectoral ministries' as well as district authorities, into the programmes of Ãå±±½ûµØagencies; implementing women specific programmes; training gender trainees at the national and district level, in both political and administrative structures; capacity building for data collectors and users at district and national level.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support
The Government is discussing with various donors to speed up the process of formulation of the Action Plan.

Uganda convened a Regional Conference on empowerment of women through functional literacy and the education of the girl-child, which adopted the "Kampala Declaration and Framework for Action".

The report mentions a series of activities which have been carried out in follow-up to the Fourth World Conference.

Member State: United Republic of Tanzania
Title: The Implementation and Follow-up of the 4th WCW in Tanzania

Author of plan
The Government.


Planning process
A community development policy on economic empowerment and poverty alleviation issues is developed by the Ministry of Community Development, Women Affairs and Children.

Support for planning process
The Government recognizes the support of a wide range of public, private and non-governmental organizations at the community, national, sub-regional, regional and international level.

The Government is planning to organize and conduct Post-Beijing workshops for key actors from both the government and non-governmental organizations on the implementation in order to get feedback, to enable them to understand their roles and responsibilities in implementing the Government commitments and discuss and contribute to the improvement of the proposed National Action Plan.

Critical areas of concern
The Ministry of Community Development, Women Affairs and Children has undertaken action on the following areas:
1. Enhancement of women's legal capacity: communicated sections in existing laws that need to be amended and new provisions to be made to Ministry of Justice.
2. Economic empowerment and poverty elimination: develop a women bank from the existing credit scheme.
3. Increase participation of women in decision- making and improvement of women's access to education, training and employment: community
development services as a force maker service will increase the return on investment in social services, environment and poverty eradication.

Institutional arrangements
The Parliament, the Cabinet, Sectors and public institutions are to take a leading role in coordination, monitoring and assessing progress. The Ministry of Community Development, Women Affairs and Children appears to be the central ministry. The Ministry of Justice is to work on legal amendments.

Allocation of national resources
The Government plans to budget resources for Community Development Services and Women's Affairs proportional to resources for social services, preservation of environment and poverty eradication.

International resources/support
The report indicates that CIDA financed a Training Fund for Tanzanian Women Phase Two, focussing on training of women in law enforcement institutions.
The Government, in collaboration with donors, is designing and developing a national programme for implementation of the Community Development, Children Policies and follow-up of the Government commitments related to the Platform for Action.
The report indicates that the Government intends to sell the programme for implementing the Platform for Action, the Community Development programme and the National Programme to implement the Children Development Policy to donors, NGOs and individuals.

The Government recognizes that in order to fulfill its commitments, actions and accountability are essential if the target is to be met by the year 2000.

Member State: Zimbabwe
Title: Zimbabwean Post Beijing Activities

Author of plan
Senior Secretary for National Affairs, Employment Creation and Co-operatives.

18 August 1997


Planning process
The report acknowledges the need for a gender policy which is expected to be in place by the end of 1997.

Support for planning process

The Beijing Platform of Action has been translated into vernacular languages (i.e. Shona and Ndebele) as a measure of paving way to advocate for the national action plan. CEDAW also has been translated into vernacular languages and is being simplified into life stories.

Critical areas of concern
The report refers to some areas where activities have been undertaken:
1. Economic Empowerment of Women: establish a Women's Bank together with other women's organizations, e.g. the OMA Capital Project., provide credit, target rural and urban marginalized women, provide training, foster entrepreneurship development,
2. Education: target the Girl Child, affirmative action, increase attendance in universities, encourage girls to opt for technical education.
3. Decision-making: participation in politics, civic education to women voters and candidates, encourage women to stand for elections.
4. Human rights: revision of legislation as to comply with CEDAW, e.g. the Communal Land Act, the Guardianship of Minors Act, booklet on legal rights.
5. Gender Training: training on gender issues of officers both at the provincial and district levels is underway.

Institutional arrangements
Gender focal points were established and formalized in all ministries. These are senior Government officials at Deputy and Under Secretary levels charged with the responsibility of mainstreaming gender into their ministries, programmes and policies.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support
Official Development Assistance is provided for building capacity among officers in ministries and gender focal persons.
A project on entrepreneurship development and for training women in business management is being financed through Official Development Assistance.
UNDP is assisting in a project on Women in Politics and Decision-making.

The report mentions that indicators according to the twelve critical areas of concern have been developed in each of the twelve critical areas.

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