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Summary of national action plans and strategies  
for implementation of the Platform for Action

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The present background document has been prepared by DAW as an informal paper for the 42nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (March 1998). It contains summary information on national action plans and strategies for implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, as they have been submited to the Ãå±±½ûµØby 22 December 1997. It provides condensed information on each national action plan or strategy, the authors of the plan, the planning process and support activities to the preparatory process, and whether the plan was officially adopted. Advocacy and outreach activities related to the dissemination of the Platform for Action, national action plans or specific campaigns are included. The document provides an overview of the national critical areas of concern and selected activities as presented in the action plans. It also indicates institutional arrangements, and the allocation of national and international resources.

   Latin America and the Caribbean

Member State: Argentina
Title: Plan de Igualdad de Oportunidades 1995-1999

Author of plan
The National women’s Council.


Planning process
Consultive meetings and working groups with individuals representing private and public institutions, representatives appointed by various Ministries, national and regional non-governmental organizations.

Support for planning process
The Government of Argentina.

Information campaigns about legal norms on women’s issues; information centres on women’s rights; training for government employees; creation of multimedia materials for use in the classroom; research on gender and dissemination of results.

Critical areas of concern
Argentina’s National Action Plan is divided into the following areas:
1. Making legislation congruent with constitutional revisions;
2. Strengthening the institutional capacity of the state to generate, manage and evaluate equal opportunity policy;
3. Promote more equitable participation of women in decision-making;
4. Achieve integration of a gender perspective in the implementation of the Federal Education Law;
5. Enhance women’s participation in employment;
6. Attend to the health needs of women;
7. Stimulate the equitable participation of men and women in economic and social development;
8. Promote more diversified and non-discriminatory images of women in culture and the media.

Institutional arrangements
The National women’s Council, created by the Executive Office of the government, is responsible for enforcing CEDAW and for the coordination, integration and implementation of women’s policy in Argentina. According to the document, the Plan should be implemented by the respective Ministries within their area of competency in coordination with the technical support and coordination of the National women’s Council. Argentina’s National Action Plan recognizes that the mere creation of governmental institutions for women in-itself is not sufficient for promoting and guaranteeing opportunity across various sectors within the government administration.

Allocation of national resources
The government will make more financing available for women and for projects to enhance women’s professional training through the National Employment Fund.

International resources/support
The National women’s Council has asked for support from UNICEF, UNIFEM, UNDP, ILO, WHO, IDB.

1. The first Plan for Equal Opportunity was implemented by the National women’s Council for the 1993-1994 period.

2. The second Equal Opportunity Plan for Women (1995-1999) will be integrated into the Fifth Plan.

3. The Cupos Law requires political parties to include a minimum of 30 per cent women on their lists of candidates for elective positions.

Additional documents submitted:

  • Plan de accion para el seguimiento de la plataforma de accion surgida de la IV conferencia mundial sobre la mujer (Dec. 1997)
  • Revista del Consejo Nacional de la Mujer (October 1997)
  • Revista del Consejo Nacional de la Mujer (1998)
  • Plan de accion Nacional Para La Aplicacion de la Plataforma de Accion de Beijing (Nov. 1998)

Member State: Belize
Title: Belize Equity and Equality Strategic Plan: Facilitating the implementation of a national gender management system, September 1998

Author of plan
Ministry of Human Development, Women and Youth


Planning process

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
Three objectives have been defined:

1. To facilitate government and NGO capacity to develop and implement policies and Programmes relevant to the particular needs of men, women and children;
2. To develop effective coordination among public and private sector organizations to ensure gender integration;
3. To institutionalize Gender Managements Systems and monitor and evaluate the progress of the priority plans and programmes of the participating governmental and civil society agencies.

Institutional arrangements
The Ministry of Economic Development’s Planning Unit will be the lead organization working with all agencies involved in integrating a gender-sensitive management approach into the provision of social services.

Allocation of national resources
The required programme resources are not costed, but will be when the work plans are developed.

International resources/support

Vision: The Government of Belize envisions a productive society where each woman, man and child realizes his/her potential and plays a meaningful and active role in Belize’s development and enjoys all benefits.

Mission: The mission of the Belize Gender Equity and Equality Strategic Plan is to create an enabling environment which allows women and men to empower themselves economically, socially, culturally and politically.

Member State: Bolivia
Title: Plan Nacional de Seguimento a las Recomendaciones de la Cuarta Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer, Beijing, 1995

Author of plan
The plan was drafted by a national workshop on the follow-up to Beijing, organized by the sub-Secretariat on Gender Issues.

The plan was adopted by the national workshop and gives advice governmental and non-governmental institutions.

Planning process
80 participants from the government, municipalities, media, NGOs participated in the national workshop on the follow-up to Beijing, organized by the sub-Secretariat on Gender Issues, which took place from 10-12 December 1996.

Support for planning process
In preparation and during the national workshop, participants split into working groups according to the critical areas of concern covered in the National Action Plan.

To disseminate information about the Beijing Platform for Action, the sub-Secretariat on Gender Issues in the Ministry of Human Development has organized 10 departmental workshops and has published the Bolivian National Action Plan.

Critical areas of concern
1. Poverty: design macro-economic policies that benefit women, promote women's economic productivity and access to credit, capacity building for policy makers, disseminate information on women's economic rights, research on the feminization of poverty.
2. Education: eliminate stereotyping, promote enrollment in non-traditional fields of study, provide education on reproductive health.
3. Health: gender-sensitive health care and health care personnel, implement abortion policy as set out in the Cairo-Conference, disseminate information about contraceptives, promote women's decision-making in the health sector.
4. Violence: enforce strict punishment of perpetuators, encourage women to report, awareness-raising campaigns, research.
5. Economy: equal pay for work of equal value, vocational training for women, support women entrepreneurs.
6. Decision-making: introduce quotas and temporary special measures, promote indigenous women.
7. Institutional mechanisms: capacity building for staff, mainstreaming gender in all policies and laws, cooperation between government and civil society, collection of data disaggregated by sex.

Institutional arrangements
The plan proposes to position the national machinery at highest level of government, equipped with clear objectives and sufficient resources.

Different bodies outlined in the planning process are also undertaking work in their own area.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support

The five-year plan covers the period from 1996-2000. The plan provides information on the situation of women in each critical area and gives detailed information on
- actions taken
- future actions
- expected outcomes
- actors
- time frame.

Additional documents submitted:

  • A series of national documents on violence against women
  • Plan Nacional de Bolivia para la implementacin, de la platfoma de accion de Beijing - 5 Jan. 1998

Member State: Brazil
Title: Strategies for Equality: Platform for Action to implement the commitments made by Brazil at the Fourth Conference on Women

Author of plan
Ministry of Justice National Council for Women's Rights

It is noted that the effectiveness of the strategies depends on the commitment of the Executive branch at the federal, state and municipal levels, as well as of the Legislative and Judiciary Branches.

Planning process
The National Council for Women's Rights, chaired by the Minister of Justice is the central organization which consults with many different bodies. The report does not mention a central National Action Plan but a National Program for Human Rights, launched by the Federal Government on 14 May 1996 which calls for an integrated set of public policies and initiatives on the part of the civil society to eliminate gender discrimination and consolidate citizenship.

Support for planning process
The consulting bodies are: The National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform, National Foundation for the Indian, National Council for Welfare, Solidarity Community Council, Palmares Foundation, Institute for Applied Research, the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics, Applied Research, Ministries of Agriculture, Education, Labour, Health, as well as the State Labour Secretariats.


Critical areas of concern
1. Poverty : target female-headed households, income generation, employment and income generation at municipal and state levels, access to credit and the financing of micro and cooperative enterprises, child care facilities, technical\management training., research.
2. Education: reform school curricula, eliminate stereotyping, target adolescent mothers, provide scholarships, adult education, training for teachers, training in leadership..
3. Health: family planning, maternal mortality, pregnancy care, Single Health Care System., change legislation re: punitive measures for illegal abortions, approve family planning law, collect data disaggregated by sex.
4. Violence: target domestic and sexual violence, provide training for lawyers.
5. Access to power: legislation (equal shares system), training for leadership.
6. Human rights: legislation, research, prevent child labour, sexual abuse, pornography.
7. Media: use media for awareness raising.

Institutional arrangements
Women's Rights Defence bodies (the State and Municipal Councils, Coordinating and Advisory bodies), different ministries and the National Council for Women's rights are to implement and monitor.
The Legislative and Judiciary bodies are to enforce the laws on equality.
The National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform is responsible for ensuring rural working women equal rights in land distribution. Other responsible organizations are the National Foundation for the Indian (for indigenous women), Solidarity Community Council (on poverty), Palmares Foundation (for black women), National Council for Welfare to implement the National Welfare Plan.

It is recommended that a gender perspectives be taken into account in all legislative proposals, whenever they are pertinent.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support

The report mentions that equality between men and women was recognized in the 1988 Constitution.

Member State: Chile
Title: Equal Opportunities Plan for Chilean Women 1994-1999

Author of plan
National Service for Women (Servicio Nacional de la Mujer, SERNAM). SERNAM drafted the Plan to serve as a key instrument and orientation guideline for national policies.

The Plan for Equal Opportunities for Women has been incorporated into the governmental programme by the President Eduardo Frei.

Planning process
The plan draws from the experiences and knowledge of diverse social and institutional spheres.

Support for planning process
The plan provides a framework to orient the actions of diverse actors.

Although the plan is a state initiative, its successful implementation requires the incorporation and participation of civil society.

Critical areas of concern
1. Legislation: make national law congruent with international agreements, include the principle of equality for women in the Constitution, revise penal, social security and equal pay for equal work laws, legal aid services.
2. Equal opportunities for all forms of family: reform of family law, child care, redistribution of family responsibilities, improve the lives of female heads of households, housing subsidies; eradicate domestic violence, revise the societal acceptance of domestic violence, legislation, awareness, victim support services, train personnel.
3. Education: revise curricula, identify mechanisms of discrimination, special measures for older illiterate women, equal opportunities, pre-schooling, awareness, target female drop-outs or at risk, research on women's condition.
4. Culture and communications: promote pluralistic and non-discriminatory images, participate in decision- making and as spokespersons in the media world, promote women's accomplishments, awareness of rights.
5. Economics: facilitate access to and improve position in the labour market, vocational training, make training relevant to labour market, make employment compatible with maternity and paternity, improve the quality of employment, awareness among employers, entrepreneurial possibilities, social security.
6. Health: improve knowledge, quality of services, fight cancer, train health professionals, reproductive rights.
7. Decision-making: participate in private and public enterprises and policies, gender perspectives in social dialogue.

Institutional arrangements
SERNAM coordinates public policy and is responsible for follow-up and evaluation. The ministries, however, are responsible for incorporating measures into their annual objectives and for implementing them.

The plan mentions that it is difficult to implement policies due to the lack of coordination between SERNAM and the ministries, lack of adequate mechanisms and due to the fact that SERNAM is not in a decision-making position in the government.

Allocation of national resources
The plan is considered a means of marshalling resources from diverse spheres toward equal opportunities.

International resources/support

The plan acknowledges the need for strengthening public institutions and administration where gender concerns are of only recent concern.

The plan highlights the importance of having statistical data disaggregated by sex.

Member State: Colombia
Title: Revisión Después de la Conferencia de Beijing - Implementando el Contrato con las Mujeres del Mundo: De las Palabras a la Acción

Author of plan
The National Department for Women's Equality (NDWE), August 1996.
The NDWE does not execute policy, its function is to promote awareness, provide technical assistance and enhance cooperation at national, regional and local levels.


Planning process
The Government of Colombia, various ministries.

Support for planning process
The Government of Colombia.

Four regional workshops organized by NDWE; 3,000 published syntheses of the Platform for Action were distributed; education campaigns.

Critical areas of concern
The NDWE has created a Programmatic Two-Year Plan that gives priority to five social sectors and four areas of intervention, which incorporate all 12 critical areas. Special emphasis has been given to the protection of women's and girls' rights, prevention of violence against women and participation of women in power and in decision-making and the full exercise of citizenship.

The implementation of the Policy for Equity and Women's Participation (EPAM) is linked to the following sectoral priorities: education, health, employment, justice and rural development. Each sectoral policy involves the elimination of structural barriers that impede equity, support for women's human rights, improved qualitative and quantitative political participation and citizenship for women, and eliminating violence against women.

Institutional arrangements
Agreements between the National Department for Women's Equality (NDWE), the Ministry of Interior and the National Network for Communal Women; an agreement is being developed between the NDWE, the Institute for Family Welfare and the Ministry of Agriculture to incorporate gender perspectives in programmes for homeless women; an agreement between the School of Public Administration and the Ministry of Work to train functionaries of the Ministry of Work and Social Security in equality and gender themes.

Allocation of national resources
According to the NDWE, it is important to mention that the Platform does not require governments to assign a determined amount of resources for the completion of related activities, which has made an accounting of resources allocated to Platform related actions somewhat difficult.
In general, resources are provided by each of the Ministries, through the presidential programme National Solidarity Network, the national budget, and international cooperation.
The Pension Solidarity Fund will cover 150,000 women in different sectors.

International resources/support
The programme ATowards permanent education for every man and every woman" was developed in conjunction with UNESCO. Agreement has been reached between HABITAT, Ministry of Development and the NDWE to incorporate gender considerations into all planning and evaluations by the Ministry of Development. In cooperation with the Antioch government, measures to support women affected by armed conflict in Urabá are being developed. Rural Development initiatives and the implementation of the Policy for Participation and Equity is being supported by the GTZ (Germany). There is an agreement between SENA and UNESCO to create an integrated public regional information system about employment for working women, and with the State Civil Registry to organize a campaign to register rural women workers.

1.Women's policy in Colombia is based on the National Development Plan (Law 188/1995) and the Policy for Equity and the Participation of Women.
2. The Ministry of the Interior is promoting legislation that would make violence against women a crime.
3. The following laws have been approved: Law 294 (1994) to prevent, mediate and eradicate violence within the family; Law 311 (1996) for family protection; reformulation of recommendations of the first and second version of the Law for Youth; reformulation of proposals for the regulation of Law 82 (1993) for Women Heads of Household; and Law 258 (1996) on family housing.

Additional documents submitted:

  • Informe de avance. Plan de accion mundial. IV conferencia mundial Sobre la mujer (1995-1997)

Member State: Costa Rica
2 al 12 de marzo de 1998

Author of plan


Planning process

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
1. Policies for the Advancement of Women
2. Human rights of Women
3. Violence against women
4. The girl child

Institutional arrangements

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support

The Beijing Platform for Action is contained three three national plans in Costa Rica:
- Eje Mujeres del Plan Naciional de Combate a la Pobreza (Eje Mujeres -PNCP)
- Plan Nacional para la Igualdad de Oportunidades entre Mujeres y Hombres (PIOMH)
- Plan Nacional para la Atención y Prevención de la Violencia Intrafamiliar (PLANOVI)
and in the following programmes:
- Programas de Oficinas Ministeriales y Sectoriales de la Mujer (OMM/OSM)
- Promoción de la Ciudadania Activa de la Majures (PROCAM) y de Mujeres Adolescentes

The report contains copy of report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women and a report on the girl-child, prepared by UNICEF.

Member State: Cuba
Title: Plan de Acción Nacional de la República de Cuba de Seguimiento a la IV Conferencia de la ONU sobre la Mujer

Author of plan
The State Council

Cuba's National Action Plan was published in the Gaceta Oficial on 5 May 1997.

Planning process
Ministers, experts, NGOs, Directors of the Federation of Cuban Women have been involved through nation-wide seminars.

Support for planning process

The plan mentions radio and television diffusion and films.

Critical areas of concern
The National Action Plan is composed of 90 specific objectives which are grouped into 10 areas:
1. Employment: periodic evaluations of the participation of women in the economy, increase the participation of women in industry and biotechnology, design programmes to retrain and requalify women who are subjected to the processes of the "rationalization" of employment.
2. Media: create intersectoral and interdisciplinary working groups that systematically evaluate and make recommendations on the treatment of women in the media, provide gender-sensitive training to persons engaged in communications, promote the inclusion of talented women in complex artistic works, promote dialogue and debates with artists and creators so that they incorporate images of women that are based in the recognition of their positive social value and contribution.
3. Community work, education, health and social work: develop and carry-out an education census for adults, continue to improve study programmes and academic text books.
4. Access to decision-making positions: improve access at all levels.
5. Legislation: diffuse information about legislation and its effects.
6. Family law: enforce provisions of the Family Code.
7. Penal law: collect data on victims of violence and perpetrators.
8. International law: raise awareness on international legal instruments.
9. Reproductive and sexual rights: systematize the management of sex education programmes, continue to improve social and psychological attention to women who intend to have an abortion.
10. Research and statistics: increase greater research on various areas with a focus on gender, develop programmes in higher education that focus on women's studies, diffuse the results of research and statistical information on women.
Each area is cited with a responsible governmental executing agency and participating organizations.

Institutional arrangements
The following executing agencies are cited for the 90 specific objectives enumerated within Cuba's National Action Plan: The Ministry of Work and Social Security; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Agriculture; Ministry of Economy and Planning, National Office for Statistics; Cuban Institute for Radio and Television; Ministry of Culture; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Public Health; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment; Supreme Popular Tribunal, Council of Ministers, and Public Administration agencies.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support

The Constitution of 1976, amended in 1992, dedicates Chapter VI to "Equality" comprising Articles 41 to 44.

The National Strategy for Development (1959) provides the foundation for addressing discrimination against women and reconceptualizing the role of women in society and family.

Additional documents submitted:

  • Las Cubanas: De Beijing al 2000 (received April 1998) cuestionario sobre los mecanismos naciolales para el adelanto de la mujer (received April 1998)

Member State: Ecuador
Title: Plan de Igualdad de Oportunidades 1996-2000 Plan Operativo Annual de la Dirección Nacional de la Mujer 1997

Author of plan
The National Department for Women of the Ministry for Social Welfare.

The Equal Opportunities Plan was adopted by Ministerial Agreement No. 0306 on 6 March 1996.

Planning process
The following actors were involved in the planning process: NGOs, governmental entities, civil society, development agents and the National Department for Women (NDW).

Support for planning process
The Government of Ecuador.

The Government is coordinating activities to combat stereotyped images of women in the mass media; provide information on formal and non-formal education in technical areas; implement information campaigns; provide training for public agents in gender-related issues; organize regional workshops.

Critical areas of concern
The National Action Plan is divided into 11 chapters which correspond to the 12 strategic areas of the Platform for Action:
1. Poverty
2. Education and training
3. Health
4. Violence
5. Economics
6. Women's participation in decision-making
7. Human rights
8. Media
9. Environment
10. The girl child
11. Institutional mechanisms.
At the end of 1998, a general evaluation of Ecuador's plan will be undertaken in order to introduce the appropriate measures necessary for the execution of the 11 priority areas.
The 1997 Annual Operative Plan of the National Department for Women (NDW) elaborates on the work priorities of the NDW, including activities in: human rights, education, heath, gender and development, national statistics, institutional arrangements, civil society, and leadership development.

Institutional arrangements
The role of the Ecuadorean Institute for Women as a governmental entity is to coordinate efforts, establish institutional mechanisms and procure financial resources to achieve the objectives and goals related to women's policy. The Institute's mission is to mainstream gender considerations throughout all government institutions, as well as engage in implementation and evaluation.
Macroeconomic policy will incorporate gender considerations through coordination between the private sector and various ministries.

Allocation of national resources
The Government intends to strengthen programmes and projects to give women better access to the financial sector through arrangements between banks and intermediary credit organizations.

The 1997 Operative Plan calls for financial support for NGOs that act as counterparts to the Commission on Women and the Family.

International resources/support

1.The Law of Violence Against Women and Family was promulgated in December 1995.
2. A number of studies are being undertaken in all 11 sectors to better incorporate gender considerations into national policy.
3. The government supports activities of the Committees for the Prevention of Maternal Mortality with a goal of reducing maternal mortality by 50 per cent by the year 2000.
4. The Plan supports legal reforms that would promote 30 per cent participation of women in elected positions by the year 2000.
5. The Plan proposes the revision of legislation, including the Constitution, in order to comply with CEDAW.

Additional documents submitted:

  • Plan nacional de derechos humanos.

Member State: El Salvador
Title: Política Nacional de la Mujer

Author of plan
The Salvadorean Institute for Women's Development (SIWD)
May 1997

El Salvador's National Action Plan was adopted by the Government.

Planning process
The following entities participated in the drafting of the National Action Plan: various ministries, relevant government institutions, representatives of women's organizations and SIWD.
The draft of the National Plan was made available to all persons and organizations for comment. Through various meetings, their observations were incorporated into the final version of the national action plan. The final version was approved by the Directors of the SIWD, and by the government.

Support for planning process

Workshops and conferences have been organized as well as campaigns through the mass media.

Critical areas of concern
El Salvador's National Plan is divided into 10 specific objectives to be addressed over the course of 1997 -1999. These specific objectives include:
1. Legislation: achieve equality before the law for women;
2. Education and training: increase women's access to formal and nonformal education;
3. Health: improve women's health and health services;
4. Employment: create opportunities for greater participation in the labour force while eliminating discriminatory practices;
5. Public life: promote women's social and political participation;
6. Violence: strengthen the family; prevent family violence;
7. Agrciulture: improve conditions for women living in rural areas;
8. Environment: promote the role of women in environmental policy;
9. Media and culture: and encourage mass media to produce non-discriminatory and non-stereotypical images of women.

Institutional arrangements
The Salvadorean Institute for Women's Development is charged with formulating and implementing National Women's Policy in El Salvador. The Institute's Board is composed of representatives of the Office of the Attorney General; the Office of Defence of Human Rights; the Ministry of Justice, Education, Health and Social Assistance; the National Secretariat of the Family and two representatives of women's NGOs.
The execution of National Women's Policy involves 31 state institutions. According to the Plan, greater research and training for inter-institutional and sectoral cooperation is needed.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support
International cooperation (bilateral or multilateral) is sought in the form of technical or financial support for the Salvadorean Institute for Women's Development, the Ministries, and other public entities.

The Salvadorean Institute for Women's Development was created by Legislative Decree no. 644 in February 1996.

Member State: Haiti
Title: Haiti Progress Report on Post-Beijing Plan of Action

Author of plan
The Ministry of the Condition of Women and Women's Rights.

The progress report was presented at the Post-Beijing Encounter in Georgetown, Guyana, 6-8 August 1997.

The Santé de La Femme report was distributed to various national and international organizations in January 1996, and their recommendations have been incorporated.

Planning process
CARICOM, ECLAC, UNIFEM (Post-Beijing Plan of Action).

Support for planning process

National consultations, seminars, information campaigns.

Critical areas of concern
The Ministry of the Condition of Women and Women's Rights has launched a 5-year plan of action with three main priority areas:
1. Eradication of poverty.
2. Legal reforms.
3. Public awareness campaigns on the condition of women.
During a series of regional and national consultations, the following key issues were selected :
1. The feminization of poverty: identify of structural problems as the root of discrimination, propose specific measures to sectoral government institutions, create jobs.
2. Health services and their access to women: improve access to health services.
3. Education and training for women: provide education and social coverage for girls and women; public campaigns; revision of school curricula from pre-school to university programmes.
4. Women and decision-making: involvement of women in politics and decision-making through collaboration with NGOs and women's organizations.
5. Violence against women: propose new laws against rape, domestic violence.
6. Women's rights: revise discriminatory laws against women.
Specific measures include activities in the following areas: Agrarian reform, economic reforms, and national monitoring.

Institutional arrangements
The Strategy for implementing the Plan will be carried out by an Inter-Ministerial Committee, composed of an appointee from each sectoral Ministry, in "partnership with civil society", with women's organizations at local and national levels.

Allocation of national resources
The inefficient management system and the absence of systematic management of government expenditures in the health sector has contributed to the poor use and allocation of resources.

International resources/support
According to the Santé de La Femme report, the relationship of the Haitian public health sector and international cooperation agencies has been characterized as one of dependence, domination and dysfunction, and thus has not facilitated the rational use of resources in this area.

Additional report received: Santé de la Femme Haitienne: Plan d'Ensemble pour l'Élaboration de Politiques et de Programmes In this report, specific reference is made to high maternal mortality rates, high teenage pregnancy rates, prostitution, domestic violence against women, lack of sex education in school curricula, high literacy rates, and inadequate sanitation.
The Determinants of Women's Health are divided into: Biological Factors; Health and Nutrition Services; Social, Economic and Cultural Factors; and Individual Behaviour and Psychological Factors. General, Specific and Operational Objectives are addressed individually through these Determinants.

Member State: Honduras

Author of plan


Planning process

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
1. Social and political participation
2. Health
3. Economy
4. Education

Institutional arrangements
The Instituto Nacional de la Mujer INAM has been recently established. Its executive director holds the rank of a minister and participates in all meetings as part of the Cabinet of the Government.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support

Honduras does not have a national strategy, but the Governmental plan of President Carlos Roberto Flores for the period 1998 to 2000, entitled the New Agenda, incorporates gender mainstreaming and includes many aspects of the Beijing Platform for Action.

Member State: Jamaica
Title: Report to the United Nations on the Process of Developing a National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Beijing Platform of Action

Author of plan
Bureau of Women's Affairs (BWA).


Planning process
The Bureau of Women's Affairs is developing a National Plan for women for the next ten years with the help of the Planning Institute of Jamaica, Ministries of Labour, Social Security, Sport, Health, Education, Youth and Culture, Finance and Planning, Agriculture, Environment and Housing, the Attorney General's Office, NGOs, the West Indies Centre for Gender Development, churches, as well as the women's arm of each of the political parties.

Support for planning process
The Jamaica Household workers' Association (JHWA) implements programmes to improve the status of household workers. The Parish Advisory Committees, the rural arm of BWA serve rural women. The Executive Director of BAW is member of the Poverty Eradication Committee located in the Office of the Prime Minister.

1. International Women's Day in 1996 celebrated with focus on women in political decision-making.
2. Workshop on "My Rights, My Job".
3. Justice System Workshops across different regions.
4. World Population Day celebrated.
5. Father's Day held in June 1997.

Critical areas of concern
The report indicates that the following issues were identified for setting the agenda for women in Jamaica:
1. Inequality in decision-making: advance rural women, provide gender-sensitization of planners/ trainers in public policy.
2. Poverty : target disabled women and girls.
3. Education and training: provide training, scholarships.
4. Violence against women and children: provide training for police, social workers and judicial system, offer shelters, target the disabled women and girls.
5. Employment and economics: provide public education and skills training programmes, focus on household workers.
6. Mechanisms to promote the advancement of women: achieve institutional strengthening.
7. Media
8. Health: give public lectures, provide breast examinations, attention to birth control, menopause.
9. Environment
10. Family life

Institutional arrangements
The Bureau of Women's Affairs aims at becoming more of a policy making and communication body and less involved in executing projects.
As part of the strengthening process for the advancement of women, female senators, mayors and elected officials of all political parties participated in seminars on gender analysis and policy issues.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support
1. The Inter-American Development Bank funded BWA's institutional strengthening activities.
2. The Jamaica Household workers' Association is funded by a Canadian NGO.
3. Both Sweden and Japan have sponsored 2 staff members of the 5 BWA staff to study Management.
4. Canada and UNIFEM contributed
($20,000) for the establishment of a communications system throughout the CARICOM region.
5. The British High Commission financed a computer for strengthening BWA's technological base.
6. Many workshops are being funded by OXFAM (UK).

The report mentions that the BWA has prioritized the following areas for its 1997-2000 Action Plan: institutional strengthening, family, violence against women and children, poverty, education and training and residence programme for elders. The report highlights the need for public education in all of the critical areas in order to foster a culture that is sensitive to women's concerns.

Member State: Panama
Title: Plan Nacional Mujer y Desarollo: Operativización 1996-2001

Author of plan
The Women and Development Forum, the Coordinator of Organizations for the Integral Development of Women (CODIM) and the National Government of Panama

Executive Decree no. 77 of August 1995

Planning process
Non-governmental organizations have been involved in the preparation of the plan.

Support for planning process
The European Union, UNICEF and non-governmental organizations provided support.

Through workshops, mass media campaigns, changes in school curriculum materials, training.

Critical areas of concern
The Women and Development Plan is organized by General Objectives, which are elaborated with detailed specific objectives and suggested actions. For each action, an executing agency and programme objectives are mentioned. The general objectives outlined in the National Woman and Development Plan are:
1. Social and legal equality: guarantee the full exercise of rights as provided by the Constitution, with the view to eliminate all discrimination and inequality, provide social assistance and make protection more efficient and effective, with special emphasis given to vulnerable groups (women, children, disabled, elderly, indigenous groups and farmers).
2. Political participation: expand women's participation in decision-making, including areas that affect economic policy and the organization of productive activities.
3. Economy and employment: provide access to training, credit and markets.
4. Health: strengthen women's access to health services and information, recognizing that this constitutes a human right.
5. Education and Culture: promote women's access to education and professional training and eliminate sexist practices within the national education system.
6. Family: focus on female headed households.
7. Violence: assist victims of violence.
8. Rural women: promote research, at governmental and non governmental levels, which explores the relationship between women and the environment, with special emphasis on the impact of the environment on the quality of life of women in both rural and urban areas
9. Institutional strengthening

Institutional arrangements
The following institutions were identified in the Plan as priority institutions: the Church, the Women's Political Party Forum, social communication agents, the Women's Commission of the Legislative Assembly, the Social Planning Department of the Ministry of Planning, the Rural Women's Programme within the Ministry of Agriculture and Ranching, among others.

Allocation of national resources
The plan provides detailed figures for each action. It is estimated that B/.25,604,472 are needed to develop 65 projects, of which B/.18,312,480 is expected to be financed externally, and B/.7,291,992 domestically. The four areas that comprise the majority of the resource expenditures include: institutional strengthening, violence and health, rural women and social communication.
The Government has made an effort to invest in women's compensation through the Social Emergency Fund, which receives funds from the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank.

International resources/support
The European Union and UNICEF give financial support for the implementation of the Women and Development Plan and have created a cooperative agreement called the Promotion of Equality in Panama. This programme was approved by the EU Council of Ministers in November 1995, providing a joint contribution of B/.18.5 million over a period of five years, beginning January 1997 (The EU will be contributing B/.13.1 million, and the Government of Panama will be providing B/.5.4 million.)

Funds have been made available by the German government, UNICEF and UNESCO to support women and gender-related projects.

1.The National Plan for Women and Development 1994-2000 was conceived in 1993 by the Women and Development Forum and the Coordinator of Organizations for the Integral Development of Women (CODIM).
2. A National Women's Council was created by Executive Decree no. 77 of 30 August 1995.
3. A total of 65 projects have been developed be the Government and NGOs.
4. The Plan has a detailed description of the beneficiaries of all projects, in addition to providing a description of total, local and international resources needed for each action-area and project.
5. Mechanisms to evaluate all projects and programmes are operative.

Member State: Paraguay
Title: Plan Nacional de Igualdad de Oportunidades para las Mujeres 1997-2001

Author of plan
The Office of Women's Affairs (Secretaria de la Mujer).
May 1997.

The plan is seen as "navigation tool" to advice policy makers in different sectors.

Planning process
The Office of Women's Affairs consulted with government organizations and civil society.

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
1. Law: reform legislation in order to guarantee women's equality, enforce existing laws on women's rights.
2. Education: eliminate gender stereotyping, combat female drop-out and illiteracy, promote non-traditional choices of study, include gender analysis in all disciplines.
3. Culture and communications: promote positive image of women, involve women in decision-making, disseminate information about women's rights.
4. Economy: promote women in the labour market, vocational training and equal sharing of family responsibilities.
5. Violence: strict law enforcement, research, support for victims, gender mainstreaming in the legal system.
6. Health: promote equal access to and quality of health care, combat maternal mortality, ensure full enjoyment of reproductive rights;
7. Environment: equal participation of women and gender mainstreaming in all policies and programmes.
8. Institutional Mechanisms: capacity building of civil service, enhance cooperation among government institutions.

Institutional arrangements
The Office of Women's Affairs drafted the plan and coordinates the efforts for its implementation.

The plan emphasizes that all sectors of government are responsible for its implementation in collaboration with civil society.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support

The national plan is in line with the Constitution of Paraguay and international instruments ratified.

The establishment of the Office of Women's Affairs on 18 September 1992 was the result of one of the first initiatives by the Government to institutionalize the advancement of women.

Member State: Perú
Title: "Promudeh", "Mujeres Dueñas de su Destino" and "Las Mujeres en el Perú de hoy"

Author of plan
The Ministry for the Promotion of Women and Human Development (PROMUDEH)

Presidencia de la República


Planning process
NGOs, Community Based Organizations.

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
The two publications provide information on the role and objectives of PROMUDEH, whose mission is to mainstream and implement policy and programmes to promote women, the family and human development and supervise these developments through intersectoral coordination and the participation of civil society.
PROMUDEH's principle objectives include: promote equity and access to employment, health and education; support the role of women and the family in society in programmes which are oriented to their development, i.e. anti-poverty programmes; stimulate civic values in accordance with the principles of ethics, morals, solidarity and peace; and promote access to information, culture, recreation and sports as a means for personal and collective development.
PROMUDEH seeks to eliminate barriers that impede access to basic services. In order to help women move from a subsistence-standard of living so that they may concentrate on their overall human development, PROMUDEH supports technological training, access to credit and sports, recreational and cultural activities and health.
The National Nutritional Assistance Programme is developing a project to create 1,1000 micro enterprises to be administered by "mothers clubs" and women associated with popular clubs.
The National Mobilization Programme for Integral and Innovative Literacy has been developed by PROMUDEH. Activities include distributing texts that are culturally appropriate and literacy extension agents in rural, marginal urban and border regions. Priority is given to the illiterate 15-45 year old female population.
PROMUDEH is promoting information services through data banks to help NGOs and community based organizations gain information on access to markets and credit, and institutions that address family violence.

Institutional arrangements
The Ministry for the Promotion of Women and Human Development (PROMUDEH), was created on 29 October 1996 by Legislative Decree no. 866.
PROMUDEH is supported by the following government agencies: The Office of Popular Cooperation, the National Institute for Family Wellbeing, the Peruvian Institute for Sports, the Repopulation Support Programme and the National Programme for Nutrition Support.

The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health have developed the National Nutritional Assistance Programme to provide basic nutrition, health services and education to children in extreme poverty.

PROMUDEH and the Ministry of Health have developed a joint-programme to promote women's reproductive rights through family planning services.

Allocation of national resources
According to a statement by President Alberto Fujimori on 11 October 1996, the Government intends to allocate 50 per cent of resources towards social programmes for women by the year 2000.

International resources/support

The Constitutions of 1979, 1993 and the 1984 Civil Code provide legal recognition of women's equality within marriage and the full exercise of women's rights as citizens.

The Repopulation Support Programme includes initiatives to register 500,000 undocumented persons within two years.

Member State: St. Kitts and Nevis
Title: Equality by the year 2000
St. Kitts and Nevis, Gender Management System Project Plan

Author of plan
Ministry of Women’s Affairs


Planning process

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern

Institutional arrangements
The report describes the framework for a Gender Management System (GMS) in St. Kitts and Nevis and conditions for creating an enabling environment and setting up the institutional arrangements. The new five-year National Development Plan (1996-2000) should be “engendered”.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support
The Commonwealth Secretariat in collaboration with UNIFEM Caribbean have provided technical assistance to prepare the groundwork for the setting up of Gender Management Systems and are committed to providing technical assistance in the form of short- and long-term experts.


Member State: Saint Lucia
Title: Follow-up on Platform for Action.
March 1998

Author of plan
Ministry of Women’s Affairs


Planning process
National Women’s Machinery has employed efforts to address gender equality and empowerment of women through sensitization workshops (women’s organizations, public and private sector agencies) and in public, radio and TV discussions.

Support for planning process

Establishment of Focal Points, national consultations, workshops on health/sexuality to address the problem of teenage pregnancy, educational material on STDs, various activities to eradicate domestic violence against women, legal reform.

Critical areas of concern
1. The economic situation of women relative to their poverty.
2. Domestic Violence Against Women.
3. Women and Health as this relates to the issued in Reproductive Health.
4. Inequality of participation in the structures of power and decision-making.

Institutional arrangements

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support

The report describes activities undertaken since 1995.

Member State: Trinidad and Tobago
Title: Status Report by Trinidad and Tobago on the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action

Author of plan
Deputy Director, Women's Affairs Division, 10 October 1997.


Planning process

Support for planning process
The report underlines that the Government of Trinidad and Tobago has been an active participant in the Commonwealth and CARICOM post-Beijing discussions and debates.

A workshop on gender mainstreaming was organized by the Women's Affairs Division in 1997 for representatives of the Inter-ministerial Committee, the National Council of Women and the Male Support Group.

Critical areas of concern
The report identifies four critical areas of concern:
1. Poverty: target female-headed households, promote self employment, provide skills training in agriculture, crafts, food preparation, office skills, marketing and small business management.
2. Violence: establish a toll free hotline, undertake research, raise public awareness, introduce community based support mechanisms and male support programmes, provide shelters and halfway houses, introduce counselling services.
3. Health: provide primary public health care by both private and public institutions, prevent HIV/AIDS, support family planning, breast feeding.
4. Decision making: organize workshops on socioeconomic and political empowerment of women.
With regard to legal reform and conventions, the report refers to a number of bills, including the draft Equal Opportunities bill, the Evidence Act, the Domestic Violence Bill, Maternity Leave, Status of Common Law Wives, Counting Unremunerated Work Act, Occupational Safety and Health Bill. The report also highlights the importance of gender training and mentions activities carried out by the Women's Affairs Division.

Institutional arrangements
The Women's Affairs Division of the Ministry of Community Development is the lead agency in facilitating, monitoring and evaluating the work on the advancement for women. The Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) and the National Council of Women (NCW) are both involved in policies and planning and in advising. IMC is made up of representatives from the various ministries. NCW is comprised of representatives from the rural communities and women's organizations.

Allocation of national resources
The Ministry of Community Development, Culture and Women's Affairs provides funds for projects and activities managed by non-governmental organizations.
The Ministry of Social Development provides assistance halfway houses and shelters for battered women and their children.

International resources/support
UNDP and ECLAC are assisting the Women's Affairs Division is developing a sex disaggregated database.

The Fifth Meeting of the Commonwealth Ministers responsible for the Advancement of Women was hosted by Trinidad and Tobago in 1996.

Member State: Venezuela
Title: Desarrollo de Actividades y Avances en la Formulación del Plan Nacional de la Mujer

Author of plan
The National Council for Women (NCW)

The plan has not yet been drafted.

Planning process
An inter-sectoral commission with representatives of the following entities was established: the Ministries of the Family, Work, Education, Health and Social Assistance, Agriculture and Cattle Breeding, and Justice; the Central Office of Statistics and Information; Office for the Coordination and Planning of the Republic; Women's NGOs; the National Council for Women's technical staff; and advisory commissions to the NCW.

Support for planning process

A bi-monthly magazine "Half of the World" by NCW, information guides, posters, bulletins, diffusion of information on health, violence and rural and indigenous women through volunteers, forums, workshops and discussion groups.

Critical areas of concern
Venezuela's preliminary National Action Plan elaborates extensively on the working methodology for the creation of the National Plan, followed by a situational analysis of the status of women by sector, and proposed actions. Venezuela's preliminary plan focuses on the following areas:
1. Health: provide access to health care, establish ethics committees to monitor human rights violations in mental health.
2. Legislation: focus on violence against women.
3. Political and social participation: promote women's participation in social and political spheres, e.g. in all levels of political parties and labour organizations; develop political autonomy for women.
4. Culture and means of communication: increase number of women in decision-making positions, reach out to rural and indigenous women.
5. Education: integrate gender issues into education.
6. Rural and indigenous women: promote educational and health programmes.
7. Economy and employment: provide equitable access of women to employment; promote the recognition of women as a fundamental agent in economic development and social change; combat poverty through a continuing education and training, and generate sectoral policies and programmes that have as a central objective the creation of social services to support families.
8. Statistics: collect data disaggregated by sex.

Institutional arrangements
The NCW has created regional and municipal organizations to develop policies and programmes at the respective levels and advised regional and municipal governments to develop Regional Councils for Women and Centres for Women.
The NCW has also signed agreements with universities, NGOs and government entities to development related programmes.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support
The National Council for Women receives support from international organizations.

The National Council for Women was created by Presidential Decree no. 2.722 of 22 December 1992 as the principal coordinating body to develop, implement and mainstream gender policy into concrete activities and policy.

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