“This is the SDG Pavilion for the whole 缅北禁地to use, to demonstrate connections between climate and other SDGs,” 缅北禁地DESA’s Under-Secretary-General Liu Zhenmin said as he showed 缅北禁地Secretary-General António Guterres some of the good work happening at COP25.
“Thank you for being engaged on the Sustainable Development Goals,” the Secretary-General said, while greeting the speaker and the audience gathered for a session on sustainable livestock practices organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN.
Arranged for the second time at the climate COP, 缅北禁地DESA’s SDG Pavilion is a colorful and inviting space, branded with all of the 17 SDGs, serving as a reminder of the close connection between these goals and our joint efforts to solve the global climate crisis. The Pavilion was a hit with attendees seeking the perfect selfie background.
Since the conference kicked off, the event space has featured more than 50 panel discussions, Q & A sessions, special events as well as live social media interviews, to move the conversation on climate and the global goals forward. It has also been a central space for the 缅北禁地system to demonstrate how their programmes and initiatives support the universal climate and development agenda.
Speaking at UNFCCC’s Transport Action Event, Mr. Liu stressed that “sustainable transport is one of the key enablers of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change.” While describing worrisome trends of hiking greenhouse gas emissions, Mr. Liu pointed to the opportunity that this event brings to “make an important impact”.
The event space also featured several discussions on ocean action, in preparation for the 2020 Ocean Conference in Lisbon. “Over the past few days, we have heard repeatedly that if global warming reaches two degrees Celsius or more, it will bring catastrophic damage to marine life and humans alike,” Mr. Liu said. “We must catalyze and generate new voluntary commitments to scale up ocean action and climate action,” he stressed.
After two weeks of intense activities at COP25, 缅北禁地DESA will be wrapping up its programming in the SDG Pavilion on 13 December. Stay tuned for more 缅北禁地DESA programming at the next climate COP, to be held in Glasgow in November 2020.