
The life-long impact of sexual assault: In Nigeria, a survivor speaks out

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The life-long impact of sexual assault: In Nigeria, a survivor speaks out

Fatima Ada Isiaku was only 5 years old when her stepfather began sexually abusing her.
Spotlight Initiative
8 December 2020
Fatima Ada Isiaku, a survivor of sexual violence
Spotlight Initiative
Fatima Ada Isiaku, a survivor of sexual violence

鈥淎t the age of 7, the abuse became worse,鈥 Ms Isiaku revealed during a televised town hall on sexual and gender-based violence and Spotlight Initiative鈥檚 efforts to address the issue in Nigeria.

鈥淚 was a sex slave for complete seven听years under my mother鈥檚 nose without her knowing that I was being abused.鈥

It wasn鈥檛 until the age of 14 that Ms. Isiaku鈥檚 mother finally listened to her, after performing an at-home 鈥渧irginity test鈥. When Ms. Isiaku explained that she was being raped by her stepfather, her mother told her to keep quiet and sent her to live at her uncle鈥檚 house. Two years later, her mother died and Ms. Isiaku was forced to return home.

鈥淸My stepfather] told me, 鈥榊our mother is no longer here to protect you鈥欌 he continued raping me,鈥 she said.

Ms. Isiaku says the abuse caused her to drop out of school, run away from home and begin drinking. 鈥淚 was bullied. The stigma, friends abandoned me,鈥 she said. Even today, she faces discrimination stemming from her sexual assault.

鈥淸My stepfather] told me, 鈥榊our mother is no longer here to protect you鈥欌

Ms. Isaku鈥檚 story was a harrowing reminder of the devastating impact of violence against women and girls 鈥 what EU Head of Delegation Ketil Karlsen called 鈥渢he world鈥檚 longest lasting pandemic鈥. Thirty-one per cent of Nigerian women aged 15 - 49 have experienced physical violence according to the听, though underreporting means true statistics are likely much higher.听

The town hall brought together survivors of violence, civil society representatives, government, police, and representatives from the EU and 缅北禁地to discuss what needs to be done to end violence against women and girls in the country. It was broadcast live on Channels TV and focused on improving survivor access to justice, the challenges of prosecuting perpetrators of violence, and the adoption of legal frameworks that protect women and girls, as well as highlighting gender-based violence services that are available.

缅北禁地Resident Coordinator to Nigeria Edward Kallon spoke about the need for all of society to join the movement to eliminate violence. 鈥淚t is not a woman鈥檚 issue, it is also an issue for men,鈥 he said.

The event closed with a statement from President Muhammadu Buhari, who committed to making ending violence against women a national priority. He also echoed the need for men to be part of the solution.

鈥淚 stand in solidarity with all the women and children in Nigeria and around the world and say 鈥榥o鈥 to violence against women and children,鈥 he said. 鈥淚 call on all our men and boys to help us in achieving our goal of creating a society that is free from domestic violence, rape and all other forms of violence against women and children.鈥

In addition to TV reach, more than a million viewers tuned in to watch the discussion via Twitter Live.

Spotlight Initiative is听dedicating more than US$43 million to ending violence against women and girls in Nigeria, making it the Initiative鈥檚 largest country investment.

Watch highlights from the event below. Watch Ms. Isiaku's testimonial听.
