
Projet d'aide allemand en Tanzanie : Le Gouvernement tanzanien a pu amener les différents donateurs à mieux coordonner leurs activités. Photo: ? Das Fotoarchiv / Hacky Hagemeyer

Africa pushes for better aid quality

Donors must also be held accountable for their policies and practices
Over the past decade, Senegal has increased the proportion of children enrolled in primary school.  Photo : ?AfricaPhotos.com

Senegal strives for Millennium goals

Reducing poverty requires will, money and community action
Together in a stronger partnership. Photo: UNDP
MDGs and beyond

How did partnerships work for Africa?

MDG 8: Global Partnership for Development
Logged plantation in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Photo: AMO/David Larsen
and Robert Mgendi  and 
MDGs and beyond

Light at the end of the tunnel

MDG 7: Ensure environmental sustainability
Logged plantation in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Photo: AMO/David Larsen
and Robert Mgendi  and 
MDGs and beyond

Light at the end of the tunnel

MDG 7: Ensure environmental sustainability
A woman has her blood taken for a test at a clinic in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Photo: Panos/ Giacomo Pirozzi
MDGs and beyond

New cases drop, but numbers still high

MDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB and other diseases
An expectant mother. Photo: AMO/ Nikki Rixon
MDGs and beyond

Lack of resources affecting interventions

MDG 5: Mixed results in maternal health goals across Africa
Ethiopian women in a skills training workshop. Photo: UN/Eskinder Debebe
MDGs and beyond

Closing Africa’s ‘elusive’ gender gap

MDG 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
First day at school at the JP Brand School in Utuseb, Namibia. Photo: AMO/Graeme Williams
MDGs and beyond

More students in school but still not all

MDG 2: Achieve universal primary education
A slum in Kibera, Kenya. Poverty remains a challenge in Africa. Photo: AMO/Colin Walker
MDGs and beyond

Sub-Saharan Africa lags behind

MDG 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Young female student in Monrovia, Liberia.??Photo: UNMIL/Christopher Herwig

Sustainable Development Goals: New targets hold promise for Africa

MDGs come to an end in 2015 as the new goals come into effect
MDGs and beyond

Anchor the MDGs to economic progress, Africans say

Summit hears calls for more job creation, investment
MDGs and beyond

Jobs and equity key to Africa's poverty fight

Progress on MDGs requires more than social safety nets
MDGs and beyond

Wanted: fresh ideas for combating African poverty

Amidst global crisis, a need to go beyond the MDGs

In poverty battle, a few reasons to smile

Despite spots of success, greater efforts are needed

Millennium Development Goals: time to step up

Some progress in Africa, but more is needed, argues 缅北禁地Secretary-General

To save the lives of mothers, infants

Commitment, money and innovation can reduce high mortality rates
Cover Story

Abolishing fees boosts African schooling

A giant step for children, but governments must navigate the pitfalls

Africa begins to tap crisis funds

Fears that deeper global reforms will drag out

Does financing benefit African women?

New initiatives to track the gender impact of development funds

Africa’s partners must ‘walk the talk’

缅北禁地General Assembly urges donors to fulfill their promises

Closing Ghana’s national poverty gap

North-south disparities challenge attainment of Millennium Development Goals

Japan summit promotes ‘vibrant Africa’

More Asian support pledged for anti-poverty Millennium Goals

Fighting African poverty, village by village

Innovative project in Ghana focuses on achieving Millennium goals

More policy freedom or belt-tightening?

New IMF programme targets ‘graduates’ of austerity plans
Cover Story

Investing in the health of Africa’s mothers

Many are too poor to survive childbirth
Cover Story

Bringing water to Africa’s poor

Expanded access requires more funds, efficiency and capacity

Africa a priority for new 缅北禁地head

Ban Ki-moon sets African issues high on the global agenda

Millions of activists for a day

Stand Up campaign seeks to garner public support to fight poverty

Combating inequality in Africa

Lessen inequities to reduce poverty and reach MDGs, says UN

‘Children just do not have to die’

Simple, cheap interventions can reduce African mortality rates

Translate words into action, Africans demand

Dissecting the G-8 and World Summit pledges

NEPAD Monitor

Enlisting business support for Africa’s Millennium goals

What the World Summit means for Africa

Commitments on aid, debt relief and MDGs are reaffirmed

Moving ‘from rhetoric to action’

缅北禁地panel on NEPAD highlights aid quality, private sector

Giant step for Kenya’s schools

Progress for both boys and girls towards Millennium education goal

Focusing aid on Africa’s own priorities

More financing for Millennium Development Goals, but still far to go
Cover Story

New urgency for cancelling Africa’s debt

G-8 powers consider full write-off of multilateral obligations

African economic forecasts are brighter

But estimates vary and uncertainties abound