

2023 Annual Report on the utilization of the financial contribution of the State of Qatar

UNCCT Annual Report 2020

The 2023 Annual Report regarding the utilization of the financial contribution of the State of Qatat to “Support Initiatives to Adress the Scourge of Terrorism” highlights the main results achieved in 2023 through the support received from the Government and the Shura Council of the State of Qatar. It also provides and update in the implementation of the International Hub on Behavioural Insights to Counter Terrorism as well as the UNOCT Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism in Doha.

The annual report is available for the year of: [2022] [2021] [2020]


Basic Human Rights Reference Guide: The Stopping and Searching of Persons in the Context of Countering Terrorism

These guidelines aim to help Member States design and implement counter-terrorism policies while ensuring that they comply with international human rights law and standards. It also intents to inform Member States about specific obligations to ensure that practices of stopping and searching individuals respect an individual’s human rights at all times. 

The protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks: Compendium of good practices

"The protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks: Compendium of good practices" Prepared by CTED with the financial support of UNOCT/UNCCT within the framework of the CTITF Working Group on the Protection of Critical Infrastructure including Vulnerable Targets, Internet and Tourism Security, chaired by INTERPOL.
This report is available in: EN

United Nations Compendium of recommended practices for the responsible use and sharing of biometrics in counter-terrorism

This compendium provides a high-level overview of biometric technoly and operating systems within the context of counter-terrorism.

Available in: EN | RU

Ensuring Effective Interagency Interoperability and Coordinated Communication in Case of Chemical and/or Biological Attacks

The prospect of non-State actors, including terrorist groups and their supporters using weapons and materials of mass destruction is a serious threat to international peace and security. This report constitutes a milestone in our efforts to put forward more thoughtful planning and improved tools for coordination to prevent, counter and respond to the threat of terrorists using chemical or biological weapons.

Madrid Guiding Principles

This publication outlining the Madrid Guiding Principles is intended as a practical tool for use by Member States in their efforts to combat terrorism and, in particular, to stem the flow of foreign terrorist fighters in accordance with (2014).