
Population Commission, eleventh session

07 February 1961 to 17 February 1961


  1. Election of officers
  2. Adoption of the agenda
  3. Objectives and accomplishments of the United Nations in the field of population
  4. The world demographic situation, with primary reference to mortality
  5. World population census programme: evaluation, analysis and utilization of results of the censuses of underdeveloped countries
  6. Demographic studies relevant to policy-making and planning of economic and social development programmes for under-developed countries:
    • Population projections
    • Studies of demographic aspects of urbanization
    • Studies of demographic aspects of manpower, education, etc.
  7. Population conferences
  8. Technical assistance in the demographic field
  9. Control and limitation of documentation
  10. Progress of work during 1959-1960 and programme of work for 1961-1962 in the field of population
  11. Time and place of next session
  12. Adoption of the report of the Commission to the Economic and Social Council
11th Session CPD 1961