
Population Commission, eighteenth session

18 February 1975 to 28 February 1975


  1. Election of officers
  2. Adoption of the agenda
  3. Implications of the World Population Conference
    • General debate
    • Actions to implement the recommendations of the World Population Conference at the national and international levels
      • Monitoring of population trends and policies
      • Arrangements for the review a.~d appraisal of progress made towards achieving the goals and recommendations of the World Population Plan of Action
    • Implications of the Conference for United Nations legislative bodies
    • Implications of the Conference for strengthening of the relevant units of the Secretariat
    • Recommendations to the Economic and Social Council
  4. Report on the World Population Year 1974
  5. Report on the progress of work
  6. Biennial work programme (1976-1977), medium-term plan (1976-1979) and long-term perspectives
  7. Draft provisional agenda for the nineteenth session of the Commission
  8. Adoption of the report of the Commission