
Eighth coordination meeting on international migration

New York

16 November 2009 to 17 November 2009


The Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations is organizing the Eighth Coordination Meeting on International Migration. The Meeting is being held in response to General Assembly Resolution 58/208 of 13 February 2004, which requests the Secretary-General to continue convening meetings to coordinate international migration activities.

The Eighth Coordination Meeting on International Migration has the following three objectives: (a) to assess the impact of economic and financial crisis on international migration, (b) to review initiatives to strengthen the evidence base on international migration and development, and (c) to exchange information among United Nations entities and other relevant international organizations on current and planned activities in the area of international migration and development. The outcome of the meeting will contribute to the preparation of the report of the Secretary-General on international migration and development for the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly.


Organization of work

Monday, 16 November 2009
09.00 – 12.30

Morning session


I. Opening of the meeting

  • Hania Zlotnik, Director, Population Division, DESA



II. Special presentation: Human Development Report 2009


III. The impact of the economic and financial crisis on international migration: One year later



14.00 – 17.00

Afternoon session


IV. Coordination of activities in the area of international migration and development

  • Presentations by participating organizations (tour-de-table)


Tuesday, 17 November 2009
09.00 – 12.30

Morning session


V. Strengthening the evidence base on international migration and development



14.30 – 16.30

Afternoon session


VI. The global forum on migration and development

  • H.E. Ambassador Anastasis Mitsialis, Permanent Representative of Greece to the United Nations.  
  • Mr. Noel González Segura, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations.



VII. Closing of the meeting

  • Bela Hovy, Chief, Migration Section, Population Division, DESA. Closing remarks

Contributed papers

  • International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC).  (UN/POP/MIG-8CM/2009/03)

  • International Organization for Migration.  (UN/POP/MIG-8CM/2009/07)

  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  (UN/POP/MIG-8CM/2009/08)

  • ​​​​​​United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia.  (UN/POP/MIG-8CM/2009/09)

  • Inter-American Development Bank.  (UN/POP/MIG-8CM/2009/15)

  • Queens College, City University of New York.   (UN/POP/MIG-8CM/2009/19)

  • United Nations Human Settlements Programme. (UN/POP/MIG-8CM/2009/22)

Background documents


General Assembly Documents
  • Note by the Secretary-General on the Human Rights of Migrants ()

  • Report by the Secretary-General on the Protection of Migrants ()

General Assembly Resolutions
  • General Assembly Resolution: International Migration and Development ()

Relevant websites