
Expert Panel on Fertility, Reproductive Health and Development

New York

07 December 2010


Fertility, reproductive health and development are core elements of the Programme of Action of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development as well as the Millennium Development Goals. In view of the forty-fourth Commission on Population and Development that will take place on 11-15 April 2011 and focus on fertility, reproductive health and development, the Population Division has organized an expert panel to examine emerging issues in these areas, particularly the development impact of fertility decline, improvements in access to family planning and other reproductive health services, and reductions of inequities in reproductive health.



Organization of work

07 December 2010

10AM -1PM

Ms. Hania Zlotnik, Director, United Nations Population Division. Welcome and Introduction.


  • Ms. Ann Blanc, Director, Maternal Health Task Force, EndgenderHealth. The contribution of family planning to the reduction of maternal deaths.
  • Ms. Rekha Mehra, Director, Economic Development, International Center for Research on Women. Targeting poverty and gender inequality to improve maternal health.



  • Mr. T. Paul Schultz, Professor, Department of Economics, Yale University. Long Term Effects of a Social Experiment in Matlab, Bangladesh: 1974 – 1996.
  • Mr. David Canning, Professor, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard University. The Macroeconomic Consequences of Family Planning.



Population Division. Closing Remarks.
