
Population Commission, twenty-sixth session (1991)

27 February 1991 to 07 March 1991


  1. Election of officers
  2. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters
  3. Action by the United Nations to implement the recommendations of the World Population Conference, 1974:
    • General debate on national experience in population matters
    • Monitoring of population trends and policies, with special emphasis on age structure
  4. The 1994 international meeting on population
  5. Programme questions:
    • Programme performance and implementation
    • Proposed programme of work for the biennium 1992-1993
  6. Follow-up to the recommendations of the International Conference on Population, 1984
  7. Provisional agenda for the twenty-seventh session of the Commission
  8. Adoption of the report of the Commission on its twenty-sixth session


At its twenty-sixth session, the Population Commission (a) reviewed the action taken by the United Nations to implement the recommendations of the World Population Conference, 1974, (b) reviewed programme implementation and the proposed programme of work for the biennium 1992-1993 and (c) considered the follow-up to the recommendations of the International Conference on Population, 1984. The Population Commission also met, in open-ended session, as the Preparatory Committee for the 1994 International Meeting on Population (the report of the Preparatory Committee is contained in document ).