
Climate Events

From showcasing climate action to taking ambition to the next level, climate events provide space for knowledge exchange and discussions to strengthen the Paris Agreement’s implementation.


23 Oct 2023 to 27 Oct 2023
08:00 to 18:00
Panama City, Panama

Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week

Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW) is the third of four Regional Climate Weeks held in 2023 to build momentum ahead of the 缅北禁地Climate Change Conference COP28 and the conclusion of the first Global Stocktake. Hosted by the government of Panama in Panama City, LACCW 2023 provides a platform for policymakers, practitioners, businesses and civil society to exchange on climate solutions, barriers to overcome, and opportunities realized in the region.

Map of Latin America and the Caribbean
16 Oct 2023

World Food Day

Understanding the impact our food systems have on the planet is both an area for awareness and an important opportunity for mitigating climate change. Today, the global food system is responsible for about one third of greenhouse gas emissions and is the  of methane and biodiversity loss. Learn more about how what we eat, and how that food is produced, affects the environment here.

14 Oct 2023

World Migratory Bird Day

Under the theme, “water and its importance for migratory birds,” World Migratory Bird Day 2023 calls attention to how the increasing human demand for water, pollution, and climate change, are having a direct impact on the availability of clean water and the conservation status of many migratory birds. Learn more about how climate change impacts the world’s water here

13 Oct 2023

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

Climate change is causing more frequent and extreme weather events, resulting in widespread adverse impacts and related losses and damages to nature and people. These impacts are often experienced most by those who have contributed the least to the climate crisis, which exacerbates existing inequalities. The Early Warnings for All (EW4All) initiative aims to help break the cycle of disaster and growing inequality and to ensure everyone on earth is covered by early warnings in the next four years. Learn more about EW4All here.

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A woman walking through the debris caused by Hurricane Irma.
08 Oct 2023 to 12 Oct 2023
08:00 to 18:00
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Middle East and North Africa Climate Week

Middle East and North Africa Climate Week (MENA CW) is the second of four Regional Climate Weeks held in 2023 to build momentum ahead of the 缅北禁地Climate Change Conference COP28 and the conclusion of the first Global Stocktake. Hosted by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, MENA CW 2023 provides a platform for policymakers, practitioners, businesses and civil society to exchange on climate solutions, barriers to overcome, and opportunities realized in the region.

07 Oct 2023

World Cotton Day

As one of the world’s largest crops and the  natural fibre in the textile sector, cotton is heavily affected by the changing climate. Increased temperatures, drought, and unpredictable weather due to climate change are already impacting cotton productivity, which not only affects local economies, but also global supply chains. Today, only  of cotton is being sustainably produced, but the demand for more sustainable cotton is growing and the sector is determined to adapt.

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Close-up of two hands picking cotton.
20 Sep 2023
New York, NY
Just transition

Climate Ambition Summit

缅北禁地Secretary-General António Guterres will convene a Climate Ambition Summit during the United Nations General Assembly high-level week. Leaders from governments, business, cities and regions, civil society and finance are called on to present “credible, serious and new climate action and nature-based solutions that will move the needle forward and respond to the urgency of the climate crisis.

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18 Sep 2023 to 19 Sep 2023
New York, NY
Just transition

SDG Summit

World leaders will gather at the SDG Summit in New York for the mid-point review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the implementation of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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General Assembly
16 Sep 2023

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone layer

Successful ozone protection through the Montreal Protocol and Kigali Amendment has not only averted a major health catastrophe, it has also slowed climate change and set an important precedent for climate action. It is a powerful example of multilateralism, showing us what can and must be done to transition away from fossil fuels, reduce greenhouse gases and so limit temperature increase.

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Sun in the sky
07 Sep 2023

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

Air pollution and climate change are closely linked. The fine particles that pollute our air mostly come from human activities, such as burning fossil fuels for transport or electricity. Switching to clean sources of energy, such as wind and solar, thus helps address not only climate change but also air pollution and health. Learn more about renewable energy here.

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Frosty Morning in Pingjum Friesland, The Netherlands
04 Sep 2023 to 08 Sep 2023
09:00 to 18:00
Nairobi, Kenya

Africa Climate Week

Africa Climate Week is one of four Regional Climate Weeks held in 2023 to build momentum ahead of the 缅北禁地Climate Change Conference COP28 and the conclusion of the first Global Stocktake. Hosted by the government of Kenya, Africa Climate Week will be organized in parallel with the (4-6 September), also hosted by Kenya.

Photocomposition: a magnifying glass focusing on the African continent
09 Aug 2023

International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous youth are harnessing cutting-edge technologies and developing new skills to offer solutions and contribute to a more sustainable, peaceful future for our people and planet. But their future depends as well on the decisions that are made today. Their representation and participation in global efforts towards climate change mitigation crucial for the effective implementation of their rights as indigenous.

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Photo collage with indigenous people
24 Jul 2023 to 26 Jul 2023
Just transition

缅北禁地Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment

Our food systems are both contributing to and affected by climate change. Each step in food production creates greenhouse gases that trap the sun’s heat and contribute to climate change. Reducing emissions from the food sector requires changes at all stages, from producers to consumers. Learn more about .

12 Jul 2023

International Day of Combating Sand and Dust Storms

Sand and dust storms are an essential element of the Earth’s natural bio-chemical cycles but are also caused in part by human-induced drivers, including climate change and unsustainable land management and water use.

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sandstorm with overbearing clouds billows over an orange-colored land that is slightly peppered with trees
29 Jun 2023
Just transition

International Day of the Tropics

The tropics host nearly 95 percent of the world’s mangrove forests and over half of the world’s renewable water resources. But biodiversity loss and climate change are threatening tropical ecosystems. Learn more about why protecting biodiversity is essential for limiting carbon emissions and adapting to climate impacts here.

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18 Jun 2023
Just transition

Sustainable Gastronomy Day

About one third of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions is linked to food. Therefore, what we eat, and how that food is produced, affects not only our health but also the environment.  Learn more here.

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A hand holding coffee beans.
17 Jun 2023
Nature and biodiversity

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

Land plays a key role in the climate as an essential carbon sink. However, with desertification, drought, and other extreme weather events increasing due to climate change, this role is increasingly at risk. Learn more about land and climate here.

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05 Jun 2023

World Environment Day

Our planet is choking on plastic. It’s time for change. This World Environment Day join the global effort to #BeatPlasticPollution. Learn about what you can do and take action for the planet .

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Close up of a hand taking a plastic bottle in the beach
03 Jun 2023
Climate action initiatives

World Bicycle Day

How we choose to get from one place to another can have a large impact on carbon emissions. Biking is one of the most eco-friendly ways to move around. Learn more about sustainable transport options here.

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22 May 2023

International Day for Biological Diversity

Nature is in crisis. Climate change has altered ecosystems and the risk of species extinction increases with every degree of warming. Nature is our strongest ally against climate change. Learn more here.

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Madagascar giant day gecko